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The importance of the word of God in our lives is underrated and this is because we do not understand it. The Word of God is life, it yields so much positive fruits in our lives we can't even begin to fathom. The word of God gives us a sense of direction and guidance, it helps us find out purpose here on earth which is to work according to the word of God.
Ever heard about this verse in the Bible;
"Seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness first and everything other thing shall be added unto you"-MATT 5:33
Seeking God's kingdom first means putting God as your first priority and walking in the path of righteousness according to His will and the word of God is a powerful tool which will help us to do just that with the assistance of the Holy spirit to guide and direct us, granting is wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

All this being said, I'll highlight some( the relevance of God's word in our lives is unmeasurable) of the importance of the Word of God in our lives:

*it sows a seed in our life. The word of God is truth- we should know the truth and the truth will set us free. It is not only enough to know the word but to apply the truth of God's word in our lives consistently and willingly.(Jhn 8:32, 2cor:3)

* the word of God is life, healing ,health to all of your flesh- God can heal us mentally, emotionally, physically, socially and every area of our lives.( proverbs 4:20-22)

*(psalm 18: 20) the word of God is a shield to all those who take refuge and trust in Him. The word of God brings stability, fruitfulness and fulfillment. The word of God gives us assurance of making heaven- the word of God is power that can change our lives and give us victory.

*(Hebrews 1:3) We can learn to say what God says- we don't only learn His word, we start speaking the word while doing the things that God wants us to do.

* God's word has the power to create. (Psalm 119:2 & 9& 11) The word of God cleanses us and upholds us, guides us and keeps us from making mistakes.The word of God purifies us and prevents us from committing sin and giving in to temptations and trials. He strengthens us in our weak areas before we are tempted.

*God's word is filled  with promises of mercy and grace to overcome.

*God's word gives us good judgment, wisdom, right discernment and wisdom(psalm 119: 72)
God's words makes us wiser than our enemies( psalm 119:5, 107)

*when we are born again, we are never without hope and therefore, the word of God gives us hope.

*God's word has inherent power in it. There's power in the word of God to produce what He has promised if we allow Him to plant it in our hearts and grow effectively. With God,all things are possible

*Jesus is the word of God who came in form of flesh to sacrifice Himself for our sins- when we read the word of God, we fellowship with Jesus Christ who is the Word of God.

*(James 121) The word of God saves our souls,renew our minds , help to control our actions and strengthens us not to give into temptation (psalm 119: 28, psalm 147:18). The word of God helps to melt our hardened hearts and transforms us into the image of Christ.

*(2cor:3:18): The word of God gives us a new reason to live.

PS: James 131:21-25 warns us not to not only be hearers but also the doers of the Word of God least, we become hypocrites. Jesus tells us in (Matthew 7:21)that not everyone who says, " lord, lord!!" Shall enter the kingdom of God. We need not only to strive in hearing but also in acting according to the word of God. When we study and meditate upon God's worship,we as well fellowship with Jesus Christ because He is the word of God.Therefore, He gives us liberty from sin,trials and temptations because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty(john 8:31,34)


             I hope this book has helped you to understand the importance of God's word in our lives and helps you increase your Thirsting and hunger for righteousness...

~Stephanie ♥~

Jesus loves you 😍

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