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At the age of fifteen, people typically go through a lot in their lives. These changes tend to be cause for many abstract and distracting thoughts. Whether it be romance, school, or puberty, our lives are often a whirlwind of adventures. This is where Hope Lupin is different from people her age. Where others daydream about finding love, she worries for the safety of her father. And while they are studying hard for exams, she tends to his injuries. When one looks at the skills she's learned at such a young age, it's hard to even call her a child anymore.

She first learned how to patch up a wound at the age of six. Coming home one morning after spending the night at her grandfathers, the last thing she expected to see was her father lying on the couch, a nasty gash on his leg staining the fabric in blood. Remus was worried at first when the child quickly ran out of the room, afraid he had scared her. He was more shocked, however, when the child returned soon after, her miniature first aid kit in hand.

Being the rambunctious child she was, Hope had been patched up by her father many times before. She had seen him work, and seemed to know what to use and how to use it, though undoubtedly sloppy. At the time, it didn't even occur to the girl that a scraped knee and a claw wound were any different, all she knew is that her father needed help and she was going to be the one to help him.

Alongside her budding abilities in medicine, that was the day Hope learned of her father's illness. Though Remus had tried his best to hide his lycanthropy from his daughter, he knew she'd have to learn of it someday.

He told her everything; why she had to leave once a month to visit Grandpa, why he changed jobs so much, and most importantly, why she wasn't allowed outside during a full moon. Despite her young age, the child took the information in well, trusting her father's decision to have kept this from her all these years.

Little did Remus know, his daughter was hiding a secret as well. Hope's determination to not upset her father lead to her get quite good at lying to him, especially when it came to his usual questions about how she's feeling in the days leading up to the full moon. Leading her father to believe she was a normal witch, Hope hid her werewolf tendencies from him, leaving her all alone when it came to working out how to subdue her partially lycanthrope nature. It was worth it though - her father was happy. All she had to do was stay out of the moonlight, and her little family was as perfect as it could be.

HOPPER // f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now