2: More about R.L

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A/N oof I don't think anyone is reading this book but eh i'm enjoying it :3 (ok instead of saying that the picture isn't mine what im going to do is if it is mine ill say something but if it isn't than ill say nothing.)

Hi. Its Remus Lupin again. This is where my story takes off from" enjoying" my Lonely childhood. I wanted to talk about my friends more. The thing that my friends did to make my monthly transformations more enjoyable is they all decided to take on learning to be an Animagus. They didn't master it until the Fifth year. To them I'm called "Moony", James was "Prongs", Sirius was "Padfoot" and Peter was "Wormtail". If you can't tell, their Animagi forms were James as a Stag, Sirius as a black dog and Peter's (pretty obvious) a Rat. they took on becoming Animagus to accompany me when I did my monthly transformations. Oh! And, just so you know who is who. 

So the boy with the glasses is James Potter

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So the boy with the glasses is James Potter. The boy that's on James's left is Sirius Black and to the left of Sirius is me. The boy that's coming through the wall is Peter Pettigrew. (I edited this photo, not mine, to make it look like an old photo.)

After we finished school, Lord Voldemort's growth in power was almost complete. There was this group called "The Order of the Phoenix." Me, Sirius, James and Peter had joined. The O.O.T.P is an underground Organisation that only the members now about. Organised by Dumbledore of course. A while later after Lily and James got married, they had a child named "Harry Potter." Not too long after that, unfortunately James and Lily......both.....died....to Voldemort. It and still does affect a big impact on my already troubled life. My friends meant a lot to me, they had accepted me for who the other half of me is. And...to add to that...I had lost my other best friends within twenty four hours of Lily and James dying. I was on a O.O.T.P mission in the North of the country when the news that one of them murdered the other came. One was dead and one was in Azkaban, sitting there being a traitor to Lily and James and the Order. Voldemort's downfall had started the beginning of a long period of Loneliness and unhappiness for me. I had lost all three of my friends(including Lily), the Order disbanded, and all of my previous comrades returned to their family lives. On top of all that, My Mother is now dead, and my father, who loved to see me, I had refused to endanger his peaceful life. I,now, had to exist going from Job to Job, (ones that would take me even though there were way below my level) knowing that I would have to leave before my monthly transformation.

Now deeper into my life, there was a development in the Wizarding community that gave me enormous hope. It was the discovery of the Wolfsbane Potion. This didn't prevent a werewolf losing his/her human form once a month, it restricted his or her transformation to that of an ordinary and sleepy wolf. My worst fear was that when I transformed I would kill out of my right mind. But, there was an downfall of course. The Wolfsbane potion ingredients were expensive and making it was complex. I lost all hope knowing that to get the ingredients was going to mean to give up who the other half of me is. So I decided to just keep living my lonely existence.

A while later, Dumbledore had changed my life again when he managed to track me down. I was delighted to see him and I was amazed to hear that he asked me to take the post of the Defense Against the Dark Arts. I accepted when Dumbledore explained that there would be a limitless supply of Wolfsbane Potion, courtesy of the Potions master, Severus Snape. I think that I was a good teacher. (I even heard a few students saying that I was their favorite). I was, as ever, particularly drawn to the underdog, but delighted that both Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter benefited from my wisdom and kindness. My desperate desire was to belong and to be liked which meant that I was neither as brave nor as honest as I ought to have been. But, Severus Snape's resentment, never abated by my subsequent respectful politeness, made sure that it was widely known what the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was. I felt much obliged to resign and departed Hogwarts once more. I wasn't fond of leaving again but I knew that parents wouldn't like to hear that a werewolf was there teacher. So, I set off to my lonely life again.

I wasn't lonely for long. Voldemort has returned and was ascending back to full power. That meant that the old O.O.T.P was regrouped and I found myself no longer lonely and once more apart of the O.O.T.P. Soon I heard that the friend of mine that was in Azkaban had broken out. There was rumors saying that Sirius Black was a deranged killer and was out to kill Harry, Harry Potter. I had convinced myself that this was true, well everything about whats happened with Sirius. 

(TCWrites: OK so im trying to keep this story that follows him throughout his life but I've noticed that I messed up some spots like during this part were Sirius escapes and stuff but its really supposed to be part of the time when Lupin was still teaching 😅 just, try to ignore the in-correct plotting lol)

So I'm adding this part that I should have added earlier. Lupin's still teaching. lol.

I was sitting in my office at the time examining The Marauders Map. Then, I saw his name. Peter Pettigrew. Apparently hes alive. Something wasn't right so I dashed out of my office and followed his name that was showing on the map. It lead straight to the Whomping Willow, which had a path that took to the Shrieking Shack where I do my monthly transformations in. I was walking up the stairs when a girl voice rang "WE"RE UP HERE --- SIRIUS BLACK--- QUICK!" I moved even faster at the name. I had come to the door, I swung it open to see Ron sitting with a broken leg, Hermione standing near the doorway, and Harry standing over Black with his wand pointed at him. I quickly yelled "Expelliarmus!" to remove the wands from Harry and the two that Hermione was holding and caught them. I walked over to Black. It was really him. I quickly asked "Where is he, Sirius?" Sirius had raised his hand and pointed at Ron. Then I thought of something...why hasn't he shown himself until now? Then...I realized... unless...you two switched? I said to Sirius, still staring at him. And you didn't tell me? I added. Sirius nodded. I lowered my wand and put it away. I helped Black up and brought him into a hug. So, your probably confused? ((Well, what I mean by "you two switched" was that James and Lily wanted a secret keeper. Someone that wasn't too obvious. Peter Pettigrew had become there Secret keeper. Sirius wanted too but he decided to be the decoy. So, everyone thought that Sirius was James and Lily's secret keeper when it was really Peter Pettigrew. So Peter had betrayed James and Lily, including the Order as well. After releasing Peter from his Animagus form, we told Harry ,Ron, and Hermione the truth. The Truth: So going back to when Sirius had "killed" Peter was that Peter really set off a big spell that killed 12 muggles and turned into a rat form and escaped leaving Sirius to look like he killed him and the other 12 muggles.)) (read the actual book to find out every single little detail) . Even though Sirius was still on the run, at least I had my friend back.

I'm sorry if it got confusing....

So, now that Voldemort was back and is working hard at trying to get back to full strength, The Order (O.O.T.P) re-grouped. I, of course, was willing to join again. Sirius also joined again. As well as others like Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Alastor 'Mad-Eye Moody', and a couple of Aurors. We even had a new Auror join, She was the youngest Auror. Her name was Nymphadora Tonks. Now we have a secret base which is Number twelve Grimmauld Place, the noble House-of-Blacks which Sirius had let us use. It hasn't been lived in for a while so the living conditions were bad. We managed to clean up the place. The only thing that bugged at least me, was Sirius's Portrait mother. Even the slightest of sounds and shes screaming. Were almost constantly shutting her portrait curtains. Well, I like the place really. Its a bit nicer than the Shrieking Shack tho. Well..I don't think there's anything much to say now. 

oh...Owl Delievaration!

Dear Readers, 

  I do hope your enjoying my book! I'm sorry if its confusing. I know it probably isn't but I know for a fact that I think its , the way I put it, out of order lol. Im trying my very best to keep it as good as to his timeline as possible. And no, your all probably confused on what im going to do with this book from now on. No, its its obviously not ending. Yes, it will be with mostly The Marauders and sometimes just with Remus, (probably switch rotate turns). Yes, I will try to not stick to long paragraphs. Anyways, If you have questions feel free to comment them and I'll try my best to get back to you! Just saying that how this story is going to work out is still in the works. I guess well see how it goes while I write this book :3 

                          Your Author,                                         


                          P.S : Avenger on! And stay safe! 

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