3: The beginning

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A/N  So..this chapters set up is going to be different...its not necessarily going to be paragraphs. Its going to be more like independent sentences when they talk? If that makes sense? I dunno will have to see how this plays out, I might change it if it looks to wrong...

(use your imagination for this part hehe) 

Hi again. Remus Lupin, again. So today's learning is different. Ah, I see you've noticed. That's a Pensieve, the round stone like basin that's sitting on the desk. The Pensieve is simply used for storing memories/thoughts and you can look back at them any given time. So, we will be using this Pensieve to experience one of my memories from the past. 

*I pulled out my wand and tapped the Pensieve so it showed a little of the memory* Now, don't be afraid! Go on, after you. You simply just bend over it and lower yourself and you'll be put in it.  Don't worry, I'm beside you. We just entered the memory of when I was 11 years old, about to get on the train to go to Hogwarts.

Mrs. Lupin: Are you sure your gong to be fine? 

Remus: Yes mum.

Mr.Lupin: And, be careful as always! 

Remus: Yes dad..

Mr.Lupin:  Look, I know we say it a lot but we want the best for you. 

Remus: Oh..I'll do my best to be a great wizard!

Mr and Mrs. Lupin smiled

Mr.Lupin: That's my boy! 

Mrs.Lupin: Now, the train!

Remus: oh..right! See you in the holidays mum, dad! I yelled over my shoulder. I quickly get on the train and I wave. I pick up my luggage again and I go to find a compartment. I was lucky enough to find an empty one, even though I would still have to share it. I set my luggage up on the rack and take my book out. I tried to bury myself in my book, and I was almost was until a boy appeared in the doorway. I looked up quickly. 

???: May I join you? The boy was wearing round glasses, had some wild black hair, and some cool muggle clothes. 

I shrugged. The boy entered and reveled to be carrying his luggage and an Owl Cage. I peered over the top of my book a little to watch him store his belongings on the rack overhead. Then he took the seat in front of me. Noticed that I had been peering over the top of my book he said:

???: Hi! I'm James, James Potter! Nice to meet you. He held out his hand. I lowered my book a little and replied:

Remus: Hi. I'm Remus Lupin. Nice to..er..meet you too. I grabbed hold of his hand and shook it. I then put the book back into its former position, covering my face. There was silence. The owl overhead of James hooted loudly. 

James: Oh will you shut it Bubo! I'm not letting you out! Sorry for my owl.

Remus: Oh. That's fine. There was another moment of awkward silence, but not for long. Another boy soon was in the doorway. This boy had the same black hair as James, but it was long and slightly curly. 

???: Hey, may I sit with you both? I can't find another compartment. 

James: Sure! That's alright with you? 

Remus: Fine. 

James: Well whats your name? I'm James, Jame Potter! He asked, while the new boy stored his luggage on the rack next to mine and sat down next to me. 

???: oh. Nice to meet ya mate! I'm Sirius.

James: What? 

Sirius: Oh, no, not that serious. My name's Sirius. Sirius Black. 

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