4: The Shrieking Shack

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Hi. So your back for another lesson? Yes, it includes the Pensieve again. Last time you seemed to have enjoyed it. Today we'll be again going back in my memories. This time we'll be at the time of when Dumbledore introduced me to the Shrieking Shack. Now, After you...

And yet morning had come. I awoke abruptly, startled. I looked around. I could see Sirius had also awoke. My eyes then trailed over to James, the one that clearly had cause the noise. He looked shocked. Peter I saw stir awake but then fell asleep again. 

Sirius mumbled: ....what..? whats happened?

James: I..well..I was trying to practice this spell..

Remus: What spell exactly? 

James: Incendio..

Sirius: what...?

Remus: What-- that's not part of what were learning! 

James: So? I thought it was cool..

Remus: How do you even know about it?

James: duh..spell book. Look for yourself. 

James threw the book over to me. 

Remus: Incendio, creates a jet of flame which expels from the wand. 

James: See? Doesn't it sound cool?

Sirius: uh yea! *I shot him a disapproving look* I-I mean..I guess.

Remus: Well, at least no one got hurt. Except the wall. 

James: Well I didn't think something was gonna happen!

Remus: *added laughter* Oh really now?

James: ... 

Sirius: Well that'll wake us up every morning. Fancy being the Alarm Clock?

James: Oh shut it.

I laughed. Since James was already in his school robes, me and Sirius changed. I took the pleasure of waking up Peter. Soon when we were all ready we headed down out of the dormitory and into the main Common Room. Since it wasn't time for Breakfast yet we went over near the fireplace and huddled around it. Me and Sirius did a game of Gobstones, James was reading more of that Comic of his and Peter looked like he was day-dreaming. When we started to hear the muffle sounds of foot steps moving The Four of us filed out of the Common Room and down towards the Great Hall. We would have been early and not late but Peter got his foot stuck in one of the fake stairs. When we managed to get him free we then filed down and into the Great Hall.  I looked over to see a very blonde hair kid, clearly Slytherin, coming towards us. Then from beside me Sirius had said:
I'll meet you guys at the table. 

>* With Sirius *<

???: Well, well, well. Isn't it Black. You blood traitor. 

Sirius: And I'm supposed to know who you are?

???: Again, Lucius Malfoy. Bad memory?

Sirius: oh..you. No, I just don't have the life space to remember you. 

Lucius got mad at this. Well, it isn't my fault your GRyfFiNdoR and not Slytherin. 

Sirius: So? I broke the tradition, I guess I'm different. Got a problem?

Lucius: Well yes! Your a blood traitor! Your mother has have to have heard about this!

Sirius: So? 

Lucius: So? Really, well then, have fun learning on how you've been disowned. 

Sirius: What?! You don't know that Malfoy!?

The Marauders: The Life of Remus LupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang