The Introduction

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Connerchickboi: Okay Alex one question, u really have no other ideas for a username don't you?

Alexsasa: I don't know, it's the first thing that comes to my mind for some reason.

Connerchickboi: Well, anyways, lets invite the others, shall we?

Alexsasa: Okay I guess.

Redhotfireboo entered the chat

Froggy :) entered the chat

Badbuttcoffeegirl entered the chat

Axebadboi entered the chat

Alexsasa: O_O

Alexsasa: What the heck are these usernames?!

Connerchickboi: Welp, it was worse than I thought lol

Alexsasa: ...

Connerchickboi: Um whats taking them so long?

Alexsasa: Conner, they're new to technology....

Redhotfireboo: hellkmyfriends

Badbuttcoffeegirl: umhowdoesthisthingworm

Froggy :) : halll

Connerchickboi: what

Alexsasa: I'm starting to regret this.

Axebadboi: howdoyoudothosespacebetweenthawords

Alexsasa: Press the long bar on the bottom of your keyboard. Press it in between words.

Redhotfireboo: umwhat I

Redhotfireboo: oh

Redhotfireboo: omg I got a space between words hah take that hoodians! See i even put a exclamation mark

Connerchickboi: This is gonna take a lot of getting used tol.

Alexsasa: to*

Connerchickboi: Yeah whatever.

Badbuttcoffeegirl: Hell o yes i did it

Alexsasa: Conner I legit hear your laugh from my room.

Connerchickboi: lol

Forggy :) : helll helk hellons hello

Conmerchickboi: Wow this os the best

Alexsasa: is*

Connerchickboi: Kay boomer

Axebadboi: Igot it

Axebadboi: lol lol


Connerchickboi: Alex this was the best idea ever!

Redhotfireboo: chickbok i still kindas dont get ir lol

Froggy :) : my finkgers tihey kill ma

Axebadboi: myfigner are f a t lol

Alexsasa: Okay, may I teach you guys how to text using the phone?

Breemonster entered the chat

Alexsasa: Wait, who invited Bree?

Connerchickboi: I did :)

Alexsasa: Okay, I guess she's a part of this now. That's nice.

Breemonster: Hi guys.

Connerchickboi: Hi Bree!

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