A "stranger" outside my house: Part 2

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Breemonster: Conner... what is it?

Connerchickboi: Remember that creepy girl that sat right beside me in English class?

Breemonster: Oh.... the girl that kept staring at you?

Connerchickboi: Yeah, it's her.

Breemonster: 😶

Redhotfireboo: is it really that serious?

Alexsasa: Her name is Brittany. I forgot her last name though.

Connerchickboi: Bakker.

Alexsasa: Yes, her.

Connerchickboi: I just don't know how she got in my house!

Axebadboi: what's she like?

Connerchickboi: Oh, she's horrible! She won't leave me alone for goodness sake! I swear whenever I look at her she's always grinning at me. Even worse, she steals my stuff! I lost my gym clothes because of her! And I lost like half of my supplies.

Badbuttcoffeegirl: huh...... she seems worse than Trollbella

Froggy :) : no wonder you have that look when Trollbella is near you

Breemonster: And now she's breaking in your house...

Connerchickboi: Yes. I thought she was gone.

Breemonster: How did you deal with her?

Alexsasa: I turned her into a lizard.

Redhotfireboo: WHAT?

Connerchickboi: Brittany said she likes lizard so instead of calling the police we decided to turn her into a lizard.

Alexsasa: And now she's pretty chill in her new home.

Breemonster: What is her new home?

Alexsasa: You don't wanna know.

Trollbella entered the chat

Connerchickboi: O_O

Alexsasa: O_O

Breemonster: O_O

Redhotfireboo: O_O

Axebadboi: O_O

Badbuttcoffeegirl: O_O

Froggy :) : O_O

Trollbella: ;)

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