A Science Problem

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Connerchickboi: Hey Alex, can you come over? I need help with my science homework.

Alexsasa: Why don't you ask Mom?

Connerchickboi: She thinks I know this stuff. Don't wanna disappoint her.

Alexsasa: Well I can't go there right now. But you can text me the questions and I can help you answer them.

Alexsasa: Oh I'm not giving you the answer if that's what you mean.

Connerchickboi: Aaaw man!

Connerchickboi: Fine....

Connerchickboi: What's the difference between osmosis and diffusion?

Alexsasa: Did they teach you that in class?

Connerchickboi: I guess....

Alexsasa: And you didn't listen?

Connerchickboi: Yeah....

Alexsasa: Is there anything you remember from the class?

Connerchickboi: All I heard is that osmosis has something to do with water.

Alexsasa: Exactly.

Connerchickboi: And the teacher said that osmosis and diffusion as similar but very different....

Alexsasa: Mhm?

Connerchickboi: Wait a minute......

Alexsasa: Yes?

Connerchickboi: I think I got the answers!

Alexsasa: So, you didn't need me then?

Connerchickboi: Actually, I did need you. Thanks sis!

Connerchickboi left the chat

Alexsasa: Boys these days...

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