Chapter 9

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"Sir, I think your sword is broken!" and Other Things to Say to Nightly Home Intruders

The night started out great. At first I wasn't able to sleep (No that's not the good part yet, thanks for pointing that out) but then I heard the silent tap, tap, tap of someone's footsteps. "Magnus, are you still awake?" I heard Alex's voice whisper. I nodded. Then I realized that it's way too dark for her to see me. "Yes", I answered. Alex sat on the edge of my bed. "Scootch!" She said and lay down next to me. "I can't sleep because all the perfume makes me choke." "Come here", I said and took her in my arms.

"Aww, that's so sweet you guys!" I heard a voice whisper next to me. "Oh shut up", Alex hissed back. "You reek most of all!" She took my pillow and threw it into the direction of the voice. "Hey, not fair!", came the immediate answers. "I guess we sleep without a pillow now", I mumbled tiredly. I'm sure Alex had a sassy comment ready to fire away but I didn't hear it because as soon as I felt her steady breath through her chest I fell asleep.

I didn't know how long I was sleeping until I felt Alex gently patting me cheek but with my eyes half open I could see that it was still dark outside.
"What is it?" I muttered and wanted to turn around in my bed but Alex held me down.
"There is someone outside!"
"So? More than a hundred kids live here. You're not their mom just let them go outside if they want. Even if it's in the middle of the night!"
"I'm not their mom I'm their dad and I'm almost sure that it's not a camper."
I took his hint about moms and dads. But still, I was annoyed that he woke me. "Why are you so sure it's not a camper?" I asked.
"Because he just walks around and doesn't do anything. He already passed our cabin four times. He's definitely looking for something. And I think he's on the phone..."
That was suspicious. I knew that campers weren't really allowed to have phones. Earlier that day I wanted to call Sam to tell her what was going on so I asked a girl where I could get a phone and she just looked at me with a weird look on her face and walked away.
"And he's coming our way", Alex interrupted my thoughts.

I leaned over Alex to see what he saw. Through one of the windows, I saw a silhouette standing on a dimly lit path that shined in the silver moonlight. The stranger looked around the different cabins. Ours seemed to catch his eyes and he started walking towards us. While walking he took his phone and just dropped it in the air where it vanished. Now that was something new.
I threw back the blanket and jumped out of bed. "Hey, careful!" Alex said and pulled the blanket back up to cover his topless upper body.

An uneasy smile made it across my face. "Sorry", I said, taking off the pendant around my neck. Jack transformed into a sword and his runes began to glow. I knew if I didn't stop him he'd start either talking or worse: Singing. "Jack" - I whispered - "You need to be quiet right now."
"Whatever you say, señor", he whispered back. If he would've had eyes and if it wouldn't have been so dark he also would've seen how hard I rolled my eyes.
I paused before talking again because I wasn't sure whether or not it was a good idea but I said it anyway: "Let me take the lead this time. No fancy magical sword tricks, please." Jack's glowing runes began to pulsate to show me that he understood. I walked up to the entrance of our cabin and hid behind the door. The person outside was extremely quiet. The only thing I heard was his feet brushing the grass moving closer and closer. I readjusted my grip around Jack's handle, palms sweating, heart racing. I heard the footsteps on the wooden steps that led up to the door. Whoever stood there waited for a moment but then slowly pushed open the door.

I quickly lifted Jack up to the person's throat. "I have to stop you right here", I said in a demanding tone. It must've been pretty intimidating because the person stopped immediately and held up his hands to show surrender. It was the first time I could take a closer look at who it was. I was facing a boy with curly, dark hair and loose clothes. He was actually kind of good-looking. His dark eyes were fixated on Jack. I, however, was more interested in what he was holding in his hands. I wasn't sure if I saw that right but-
"I think your sword is broken, señor", Jack spoke what I was thinking.
But then I realised that I had seen a similar sword one time in Valhalla. There are so many warriors from so many different countries. I couldn't remember what the guy said where he was from. Mainly because he snapped my spine with his mad fighting skills only  a few seconds after telling me. That was the only thing I remembered. He had a totally different style. I think he was some kind of wizard.
Oh Mangnus...Isn't that just a pathetic way to excuse your own mediocre fighting skills?
No. I'm telling you, I'm serious. I can also tell you that remembering this didn't make my confidence grow.

The boy looked me in the eyes. I don't think he realized that it was Jack who said that.
"It's not broken. It's meant to be curved", he explained.
Jack didn't seem to remember my instructions to stay quiet. "What the hell kind of a sword is meant to be broken?"
The intruder squinted his eyes. "Is there somebody else talking? Because I didn't see your lips moving."
I wanted to explain but Jack solved the problem for me. "It's me speaking. Not him. Look down!"
The boy's eyes widened. He looked down and saw Jack's runes pulsating fast. In one quick motion, he took a step back, swung his broken sword to use it as leverage and pulled Jack out of my hands. Jack slid along the stone floor clattering really loud. I was afraid that someone would wake up but only a startled mouse ran past us.
My new friend however wasn't finished with me yet. He spoke a few words in a strange mix between chant and rap. A dim light started glowing at the tip of his sword that errupted into a blast of light. It hit me and tossed me back against the wall behind me. The impact of the spell pressed the air out of my lungs. With two large steps the boy approached me.

"What the hell is that?!" He yelped and moved his hand up to my chest. Sadly it was the one with a sword in it. With his other hand, he pointed towards Jack.
I decided to do the right thing and replied with a question.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Carter. Carter Kane", the boy said. At the exact same time, Alex the mouse transformed back into his human form and knocked him out with a book.

Magnus Chase and the Wrath of MorpheusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora