Chapter 21

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author's note:
Hi there and thanks for reading my fanfic and staying with me until the end. It really means a lot. This as been really fun despite the ups and downs I had in making progress. I hope you can see that I put a lot of effort and thought into this story. I would love some feedback or new ideas for other stories you'd like me to write. Could be fanfics, could be something else entirely.
What I want to recommend before you start to read this last chapter is that you go and put on the songs "Blackbird Song" by Lee DeWyze and "Far Too Young To Die" by Panic! At The Disco. Make sure to have the "play on repeat" button on so they are playing through out the whole chapter non-stop.
Thanks to @ihatepoetryandmyself for editing the last few chapters, you have been a better help than I could have ever asked for.
Now I hope you enjoy this and once again thank you for reading.

The Story Of A Girl

As soon as I got in earshot Halfborn asked me,"What's up with Mallory? She okay?"

"Just a little dizzy from all the healing, but she'll be fine," I answered. "But what are we all still doing here? Don't we have a plan?"

Then it dawned on me.

"Alex doesn't know what we're up to because she's been fighting against Morpheus all this time?"


"I couldn't really believe it. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was typical. She always did everything on her own. She always thought she could handle everything on her own. I'm sure she had a lot on her mind through out our whole journey, but she just suppressed it all because she didn't want to look weak. What she always forgot is that we were all weak. Not because of the same thing, but we all had our problems. Well-"

I stop telling the story of our final battle and look at Blitzen sitting on the other side of the table.

"Now I have to deal with the fact that I'll never know what she had on her mind when-" I sigh and lean back in the stylish kitchen chair Hearth has built for Blitz.

I put my hand on top of my head and slowly slide it down to the back of my neck, then slowly along the side while gently pulling on my hair. It's a gesture with which I am all too familiar from my days as a homeless person, back when the wound of my mother's death was still fresh.
I accidentally knock over the coffee cup in front of me, luckily there wasn't much coffee left so only a last sip poured out.
"Ah, damn, I'm sorry Blitz-"
"Let me help you", Blitzen says and stands up to get a cloth and new coffee.
He cleans up the mess I made and fills my cup again.

"You know-" I say but don't finish the sentence.

Blitzen nods, "It's okay Magnus, you don't have to tell me again if you don't want to."

I still continue my story, which I am now telling for at least the tenth time.


T.J. looked at me worried. "What do you think we should do?" He asked.

I shouldn't have answered, but I did. "We stick with the plan. We once again have no other choice. But as soon as anyone of you has the chance to talk to her, you tell her about our plan, okay?"

They all nodded so I caught Jack who was flying in the air next to me and charged towards the circle of howling Mares and shadow creatures circling Morpheus and Alex.

Next to me I heard T.J. yell, "Hey you little suckers! Look at me! You're mighty ugly you know that?! Come here and I'll brush the dirt away from your skins...with my bayonet."

Some of the monsters turned around to see who was being so incredibly rude. Needless to say they all were killed almost immediately.

I myself was more focused on helping Carter open up the portal. In other words, I stood in front of him and tried to kill all the monsters who were leaving their place in the circle around Morpheus and Alex to get to us.

Magnus Chase and the Wrath of MorpheusWhere stories live. Discover now