Chapter 13

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Alex has a dad I don't know about

Carter stepped forward. "Excuse me did you say he's dead?"

"May he rest in piece," said the woman at the counter, reaching for the cross around her neck.

Carter put a hand on the counter. "We're so sorry to hear that. We just wished to talk to him about his new discovery in Egypt. Is there any chance you could tell us where to find more about that?"

She rummaged through different papers on her desk. "I think I have something here that could help you. He talked to me when he came back from Egypt. He said that he found something very interesting and that he would put everything he discovers about it to record. He told me that he has a friend who'd be interested. I should guide his friend to his office where he keeps all the documents in the top drawer of his desk. I just didn't realize that he had such young friends!"

I frowned. "No sorry I think you've mistaken us for somebody else," but Alex's voice drowned mine out.

"Yes, that's us!"

I turned my head in confusement.

'What are you talking about?' I mouthed.

He sent me a threatening looks to make sure I kept quiet.

"Well, it's actually my dad. I wanted to go out with my friends but he asked me to get it for him. He's really busy!" Alex smiled his best smile.

"Oh, in that case let me show you to his office!" The woman stood up and took a pair of keys off a wooden key rack that already had big cracks in it. I wondered how long it would hold together.
We all waddled after her like a big family of human ducks when she lead us down a dark hallway. You know, the kind off old-building-hallway with paneled walls, insufficient lighting and high windows, kind of hallway.

We walked past a few doors until she stopped at one that had a silver plaque with the inscription Dr. Henry Bradley screwed inside the dark acacia wood.

How do I know that it's acacia wood? You may ask.

Well, since I live until the literal end of the world, (and I don't plan on letting that happen any time soon) I have enough time so I decided to use it wisely.

How is remembering different kinds of wood interesting or even the slightest bit of helpful?

That's a good question. I don't know.

What I do know is that this door was made out of acacia wood. Funny enough, the acacia tree is one of the only trees that's native to Egypt.

The keys clicked and we went inside the office. The room looked exactly like you'd imagine the office of a doctor in a museum. A big wooden desk, with a large bookshelf behind it, all kinds of papers lying around, even a globe stood near the window.
The elderly woman carefully walked around the table as if she didn't want to wake Mister Bradley's spirit.

"Here it is!" She held up an envelope.

It definitely had more inside than just paper. There was something else but I decided to worry about that later. First of all we needed to get rid of the woman so we could look at those records alone.

I didn't know what to say but gladly Alex, as charming as he is, took the woman's hand. "Thank you so much for helping me out so kindly. My dad would've killed me if I came back empty handed. I just want to make sure that this is what he wanted. Is it possible if I have a look at it here and just bring you back the keys once I'm done?"

"Sure sweetheart! And tell your Dad that he should be nicer to you. You're such a lovely young lady! He should be proud." With that she left the room.

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