Chapter 10

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Getting sucked into the endless darkness of a sand portal isn't nearly half as much fun as you'd expect it to be

"If you keep hitting people, you'll never be able to leave and do whatever you guys are up to," said the camper responsible for the injured while he looked down at Carter Kane and TJ, talking to me. We were standing next to their beds at the infirmary of the camp. "It was an accident." I told him, knowing full well that it wouldn't help with the injuries.

It was still the middle of the night. When Carter got knocked out by Alex we carried him to the Apollo cabin. I thought that the god of healing would for sure have some kids who inherited his powers. We woke up one kid and asked for their best doctor. He guided us to the infirmary where he woke up the boy I was talking to right now. I'm still not quite sure who he is but he did well enough so I didn't really care to be honest.

Carter groaned with pain when the camper, or should I say the doctor, shoved a pillow under his head.
"I didn't come to kill you. I mean honestly, if I would want to kill you then you'd be dead by now. I was looking for Percy. Where is he anyway?" Carter tried to sit up in his bed but the son of Apollo pushed him back down. He took Carter's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Carter. My name is Will Solace and as long as you are in the infirmary you do what I say or I'll break all your bones before you can." He turned around to me and ran his hand through his hair to keep it from falling over his face. "As for your friend TJ here" - he pointed to the bed where TJ was lying - "He can go. He took it quite well and so will you if you REST FOR ONCE!" Carter who had silently left his bed and was now sneaking out of the infirmary winced and sighed. "One hour is enough if you use it well, lie down and take the medicine I gave you." Will chided, and left the infirmary.

Carter walked back to his bed with a stoop, his head must've been hurt pretty badly. Meanwhile, TJ had put his jacket back on and was now walking in an unsteady gait trying not to fall. A crooked smile made it across his face. "So, Egyptian gods, huh? And he's this demigod, Carter Kane?"
"I don't think he's a demigod", I said. "Percy told us that he and his sister once hosted bodies for gods, but now they are just magicians."
TJ snorted.
"Just magicians!" He drew air quotes with his fingers when he said the word 'just'.
"What's next? 'Just' the end of the world?"

Carter cleared his throat to get our attention. "Actually just monsters. But really weird ones, that I can tell you. Now where the hell is Percy? I really need to talk to him about the attack we had!"
"He should be here by now, I sent Max and Magnus's friend to gather him and all the new ones", Will said and looked out of the window. "Oh, there they come. It's about time!"
Through the window, I saw Alex and the kid we woke up in the Apollo cabin before leading a group of were sleepy-looking campers and Einherjar.

Percy burst through the door. "Alright, what's this about? These two said something about Carter-"
That's when he saw him lying on the bed. "Carter? What are you doing here?!"
"Hi Percy. Nice to see you too. I'm here because some freaky monsters decided to tell me that they're going to kill me, you and some dude called Magnus Chase... I guess that's him?" He pointed at me.
"Yeah that's me", I said. "But these monsters you mentioned... when did they attack you? Because I'm pretty sure they attacked us too today."
He frowned. "They didn't actually attack me. They came to me in my dreams. My ba-" - he realized our confusion - "The ba is the Egyptian version of the soul", he said to clarify. "And every night it flies around the world to show me things that seem to be important. Well, this night my ba visited those monsters. They called themselves the Mare and they told me that they would kill me and all my friends including the Greeks and Vikings. They would bring chaos over all of us and make sure that their master will soon rule not only the mortal world but every world, every layer of the duat down to the land of the dead."
Next to me, Percy shivered. "By all the gods please don't remind me of that place. Anyway, let's get down to business. I've brought all cabin counselors to discuss this matter. I don't assume Will lets you leave the infirmary so we're going to have our meeting here, right now, on these beds. Get comfortable" he said and made clear that there wouldn't be another time to do this by gesturing to the beds all around the infirmary.

The counselors sat down in a big circle and looked around the room and not rarely their gazes landed on me as if I was the one in charge of the meeting. When I realized that somehow everyone was now looking at me in some sort of secret agreement that I would be the first to talk I started to list all the facts.
"Okay so just that everybody is on the same state of affairs let's gather the facts and try to work this out."

The sun was already rising when we all came to an agreement. We would visit the library in Brooklyn house - the place where new Egyptian magicians are being trained - and try to figure out how Morpheus is connected with the artifact and also why he isn't just interested in the Greeks but also the Vikings and Egyptians. Since TJ, Mallory, Halfborn, Alex and I already made the long journey we decided that one more trip couldn't hurt. Grover would come with us too because he had heard Morpheus talk about his plan and we wanted to try to figure out who he was talking to. We also needed to take a camper with us but Percy and Annabeth couldn't leave their posts as camp leaders so we had to ask for a volunteer. Only one of the counselors agreed to accompany us. Hector, son of Hermes, a tall but skinny fellow with a crooked smile and dark hair that would've reached his shoulders if he wouldn't have tucked it behind his ears. He seemed like a decent dude.

After packing our bags we all met outside where Carter opened a portal. Don't ask me how he did it because I have no idea. After we all said our goodbyes we formed a line in front of the dark vortex that would hopefully teleport us to Brooklyn.

"I really don't see how this is a good way of transportation-" I wanted to complain but Alex had already pushed me from behind (I believe she said something like "just jump already you wuss") and I got sucked into the endless darkness of whirling sand.

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