38. Repercussions Pt. 2

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I walked up to my locker where Jason and a few friends were waiting for me. My feet felt like they weighed a ton and my chest felt just about the same. I felt freezing but I'm quite sure I was sweating as well, "Come on nerd, get my **** so I can get going." He demanded in a firm but rather neutral voice, "Um, I uh." I stammered."What the hell is wrong with you? Just give me the papers and I'll go, no need to **** yourself." He said still calm but getting impatient, "I-I, I-I uh, got rid of them." I quivered, "What?! What the **** do you mean, you got rid of them? I-" Jason kept getting angry and smacking me around while ranting but I didn't hear it, I was off in my thoughts. Terrifying thoughts. I finally snapped out of it when he spun me around and yanked my briefs up to my neck, lifting me off the ground. He then let go of my underwear with one hand and put it on my shoulder before pushing down. I yelped and grimaced as my underwear dug deep inside of me making me scramble to grab his hands trying to relieve any kind of pressure. My briefs stretched and ripped enough that he hooked the waistband on my forehead then turned me around again. Jason put his hand on my shoulder and grabbed my underwear again, the front this time. He yanked hard and forced my waistband up to my nipples within a split second making me screech so loud you couldn't even hear the forceful tears of cotton. One of his goons slapped a hand over my mouth to quiet me and Jason told him to keep it like that. Jason kept pulling making the fabric dig deeper and deeper into me. Tears welled up in my eyes as the front reached up to my neck, "You just dug your own grave. I'm not doing this right here right now, but I will make you regret ever even being born. I swear it'll be so bad you'll want to shoot yourself to escape the pain and agony. I'll make sure it's so bad you're kids will wake up with nightmares of the **** I did to you. Hell it'll be so bad I might even end up feeling guilty. Point is, your life is over and you will never enjoy anything ever again, I will see to that personally." He snarled. "Hm mnm mph!" I muffled trying to speak through the bully's hand. Jason motioned his friend to move so he did letting me talk, "You broke our deal." I squeaked, "What do you mean?" Jason asked still holding my briefs up, "I know you still hurt Adam when I'm not around. Since you didn't listen to our deal neither did I." I wheezed trying not to let the pain overtake me, "Damn it! I told him not to say anything!" Jason growled, his frustration marked with an incredibly hard yank, "Eeh! H-He didn't, I'm just smart and you're just a dumb ass who can't cover his tracks." I squeaked standing on my toes to try and ease some of the pain Jason told his friend to cover my mouth again, then got another friend to help him give me a squeaky clean wedgie. They unhooked my waistband, situated themselves, then rapidly yanked back and forth. This went on for a few minutes before they let go and re-did my atomic wedgie. Jason then re-situated and started yanking on the front again. It wasn't super hard though, he was slowly and methodically ripping them off so I felt the most excruciating pain possible for every second possible. I heard/felt every pop and every rip but could barely see because tears were steadily flowing from my eyes like a waterfall. I cried so much my shirt was getting wet. Now in reality, it was probably only 5 minutes but it felt like he wedgied me for an hour. I stood on my toes and tried to pry Jason's hands off. Then I tried to grab something, anything to lift myself up and ease the pain. He just kept slowly pulling harder and I just kept crying harder. Eventually they ripped making me fall to the ground sobbing and grabbing my tortured butt and balls, "Dude, we made him ****ing bleed!" Jason chortled showing his friends the red streaks on my undies. I tried to calm down and gather myself but I was in so much pain that I just couldn't. The bullies walked away after throwing my underwear back at me along with some taunts. The bell eventually rang but I was still in the same spot hissing and grimacing as I forced myself to my feet. It took a lot of effort but I did stand before wiping the tears from my face and getting my stuff from my locker including a fresh pair of black and red striped briefs. After I got my stuff I hobbled to the bathroom then to class with the classic "I just got a horrific wedgie" waddle. I made it to class and sat down, wincing and letting out another pained hiss, "Jason wedgie you again?" Ashley asked, "Like never before." I answered making her wince as well. "Maybe a kiss will help." She said leaning over, weaving her fingers through my hair and sensually kissing me. We kissed for a while before she pulled back, let go of my hair and grabbed my hand, "Better?" She asked gazing into my eyes. My Jeans started getting a lot tighter and I started blushing like crazy which made her giggle at my reddening cheeks, "Yea-heh." I answered with a chuckle while switching my gaze nervously back to my desk. I spent the rest of the period focusing on my "situation" and after a very long class which I didn't hear a word of Ashley and I walked out, me finally being back to normal. Half way to our lockers Jason and 3 friends stopped us. Without any of them saying anything, two of his friends held me while Jason and his other friend stripped me. Once I was only in my shoes and underwear they ran off laughing and holding my shirt and pants, "I-I'm sorry, I uh-" I stammered, humiliated and not sure what I was trying to say, "It's fine, run ahead to your locker for your gym clothes, I'll meet you at next period." She said pecking my cheek, "Thanks." I muttered before hobbling to my locker getting laughed at all the way. I got there then opened it and got my gym clothes out. However my locker was slammed shut and Jason along with his friends snatched my gym clothes. "Oh come on! Please just at least let me have my gym shorts!" I pleaded, "What, am I supposed to feel bad for you? You purposely failed me!" He growled, "You broke our deal first, now we're even!" I shot back, "Fine, I shouldn't have hurt Adam, but **** dude! I could flunk two of my classes now!" He growled, "If you were doing your own work, then yeah, you'd definitely fail. But I've done all your work so far which means you have an A in both classes and should only drop to a C+ which I can bring back up. So do you want to go back to our deal? You don't hurt Adam, and actually leave him alone this time not what you were doing before. Then I'll go back to keeping your grades high." I asked. "Fine but I'm holding you to our deal." He answered, "And I, you." I added making him scrunch his face in confusion, "God you're such a nerd, I swear you just make up most of the **** you say to sound smart." He spat making me laugh to myself. He's such a dumb ass. "So, can I get my shorts back?" I asked hoping to catch a break, "Only if you give me your shoes." He countered, "What? Why man, you won't wear them." I questioned, "I won't wear your shirt or shorts either, that didn't stop me from taking those." He laughed, thoroughly enjoying that he could be such a douche and still not feel any blow back. I just stood there and weighed my options. I only have one pair of shoes so if I give them to Jason I'll have to go barefoot until he decides to give them back in a day or two. My shirt and shorts aren't a big deal because I have many others but they are a big deal if I don't want to run to the nurses office in my undies. "Pick one or I'm keeping all your clothes and taking your shoes." He smirked, "How about I give you $5 to buy back my shirt and shorts." I offered, "I don't know..." He trailed off trying to further mess with me, "Really?! Is not even being able to see, just knowing I'm embarrassed worth that much to you? I'm giving you $5 for a pair of shorts and a shirt that you won't wear and that were mine in the first place!" I seethed getting fed up with everything. "$5 for the shirt $10 if you want the pants too." He said bouncing my head off a locker. When my head hit, it hit the lock right on my temple making my head ring. I closed my eyes and when I opened them Jason was staring at me, "So?" He asked, "Please just give me a break." I begged again, "Okay, 10 for the shirt and 15 if you want the shorts." He told me, "What?! But you-" I started, "Fine, 15 for the shirt 20 if you want the shorts" He upped, "But, you, but..." I stammered, "20 for the shirt 25 for your shorts." He continued, "Stop! J-Just let me think!" I yelled so overwhelmed it felt like my brain was short circuiting, "Okay, $10 for both. This is the last time I'm offering. Any price after this will be higher." He informed me. "Um, I-I only have 5, can I please give you the rest tomorrow?" I asked after a few seconds, "Eh, I'm not sure nerd." He teased, "Please man, I'm begging you." I pleaded. How the hell did this happen? I'm begging this guy to let me give him $10... for my own ****ing clothes! "I'm just ****ing with you dweeb, give me the five now and I'll leave right away." Jason told me, "What about my clothes?" I questioned making Jason smirk, "Damn, I was hoping you'd give me the money and I'd get away before you remembered. Can't blame me for trying." He chuckled tossing me my gym clothes. I put them on as fast as possible then gave Jason the $5 and booked it to next period. I sat next to Adam and Ashley and we talked most of the class before heading to last period. Us three met up with Lee at 6th period and we all talked and joked around again. We then headed to our lockers. When we were there some kid Jason hangs out with shoved Adam in his locker and closed it, "Have fun in there you pansy ass freak." He laughed sitting down, leaning against Adam's locker and getting out some handheld game. Lee started walking over to help but I beat him to it."What do you think you're doing?" I asked in a sharp voice. The kid stood up and we were the same height so we were eye to eye."I'm just having fun with the little faggot." He told me as if it were obvious. As soon as he said that I punched him in the mouth, "Dude, what the ****?! You made me drop my game!" He spat, "That's what's important to you right now?" I asked, getting more and more pissed off, "It was $20!" He said reaching down to grab it. I just pushed him away and when he went to grab it again I stomped on it destroying the game entirely, "Dude! What the ****?! Are you serious?!" He exploded, "Leave before anything else of yours gets broken." I threatened, "This isn't over mop head!" He sneered picking up his broken game and stomping off. Lee got Adam out of the locker and Adam thanked us both. We then finish getting our things together then headed to Adam's house to hang out and have a sleepover.

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