日曜日| sunday

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- six days until the wedding -

In only six days Todoroki Shoto and Yaoyorozu Momo were to get married in front of their loved ones. They would ultimately be the first in their friend group to marry, and they were not about to hold back on holding the best bash of their lives. With both parties coming from a very wealthy family they wanted to make sure their wedding was top-notch, while also portraying it humbly. So while they didn't stick with solid gold chandeliers above each table, they went ahead and splurged on some crisp champagne. With only a few days until the most important day of their lives, both Momo and Shoto are excited but stressed.

*alarm rings*

"7:00 am? Already?" Momo whines as she forces herself to get up and go to her bathroom and get ready. She had stayed up until 1 a.m. making some last-minute wedding preparations and not to mention Shoto had come home even later after partying with his bachelor friends. She walks up to her marble top vanity with studio-quality lighting and begins her elaborate skincare routine. As she bends over to rinse her face, she feels a strong, muscular grip around her waist. Of course, this happens to be her beloved fiancé so as she gets back up she spins around giving Shoto a good morning kiss.

"Morning beautiful," whispers Shoto in his breathy, tired sleepy voice. "Up so early?" Momo giggles and says "Yes love, we have to go to the bakery and review our cake plan, remember?" Shoto replies saying "Guess it slipped my mind then." He then pauses for a moment, and picks up Momo and sits her on the vanity's counter. He becomes lost in her gaze, wanting to just lay back down and feel her between his arms. Shoto leans in for a kiss but Momo playfully stops him, reminding him "We have an appointment dear" and ending her sentence with a wide smile.

Momo heads towards their kitchen and pulls out a chocolate bar despite the early morning hours. She skipped towards her love but while doing so, she gets a small dizzy spell and has to pause for a moment. "You okay?" asked a concerned Shoto, and Momo replies with a small nod and a smile.

As the couple finished their morning routine and got ready for their appointment, they left their immaculate penthouse with their hands intertwined. Heading to their car, they start the engine and head down towards the bakery.

About 30 minutes have passed on the road and Shoto pulls into a parking space. Upon entering the bakery, they are greeted with a sweet, candy-coated scent. Momo is quick to comment in a way to hint Shoto about her intense craving with "Those cannolis look so yummy! I think I might just have to eat one before leaving here today." Shoto giggles and wraps his arm around Momo replying with "You can just ask me you know. Anything for my everything." Momo bursts out into a cascade of laughter commenting on how she loved his silly rhyme. As the two share their moment, the baker comes out with a sketchbook and a pencil case. She walks towards the bubbly couple and says "Alright lovebirds, we have a cake to finalize and I have some designs I know y'all will love."

Momo runs up and gives the baker a welcoming hug. "Midnight! I feel like it's been months since our last consultation, I can't wait to see what you came up with. I brought Shoto with me this time too, I know he says he doesn't care much about the cake design but I feel like he should still see ahead of time." Midnight smiles and greets the couple for maybe the 100th time in her life. Shoto and Momo have been loyal patrons to Midnight's Cakes for years but with the past few months being devoted to wedding prep, they haven't been able to come in as often as they would like.

The trio has a seat in Midnight's office and begins discussing the final design and shape. After about 45 minutes of deliberation, they reached their final product: a five-tiered white vanilla cake with a pearl-white frosting to match. Down the tiers would go a floral topper that complements the color theme of the venue. A bride and groom topper would sit at the very top and be altered to match the pair. Shoto used to be rather silent regarding the cake matter, saying "Cake is Cake, I really don't care what you pick." However, this encounter left him stunned and gave his words of approval to the cake's design. The three wrapped up their meeting with Midnight saying "It'll be ready at 12:00 p.m. Saturday. Also, I overheard y'all and since y'all are probably my favorite customers I'll wrap up some cannolis for the road." They head out and thank Midnight for all her help and the cannolis she threw in.

After another 30 minute drive, Momo and Shoto finally arrive at their penthouse. It was just nearing 10 in the morning but the pair were already exhausted. Planning their wedding has both of them off the rails and overworked. Shoto proposes that they go back to bed for a bit with Momo's face lighting up and acquiring a light blush as a result.

As the couple heads back to their elegant master bedroom, Shoto once again approaches his fiancée and hugs her from behind. She feels his addictive warm embrace and looks up at him, she rests her head on his chest and forgets all about the stressors about the wedding. They climb into bed and naturally slip into an innocent and kind cuddle. Within 5 minutes both of them were out cold, still spooning as the day went on without them.

- five days until the wedding -

save the date; a week with my everything | todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now