火曜日 | tuesday

377 13 2

- four days until the wedding -

"Cake? Check. Gown? Check. Favors? Check." Momo went on going down the list of things that had to be taken care of before the wedding. She had been working herself to the bone trying to make her big day perfect and it was starting to show. Momo had been feeling sick and nauseous more often which was starting to worry her. Shoto walked in a stressed Momo and said "Babe, you've been at it for days, take a rest day today. You of all people deserve it. " Shoto plants a soft forehead kiss and hugs her tight. Momo really needed that show of affection, especially given that all the stress had been giving her mood swings. "Go to sleep, I can take care of things around the house today." Momo nods and gives Shoto a kiss on the cheek then goes to bed.

Since his fiancée was heading to bed, Shoto decides to pay a visit to his best man. After forming a strong bond with someone he considers his best friend, he only thought it made sense that he should get front row access to an important event in his life. He had some stressors that he needed to vent about but can't really talk about them to Momo. Shoto says to himself "It's only been a few days since our last party. I hope he isn't busy." Climbing into his car, Shoto exits the parking garage and drives down the highway.

As he pulls onto the side of the road and exits his vehicle, he glances at the plaque reading [緑谷]. Upon walking forward, Shoto didn't even have to ring the doorbell, as his green-haired comrade opened the door and greeted the future groom with their own special handshake.

"Midoriya!" "Todoroki!" The two smiled at each other as Izuku invited Shoto into his home. I'm glad you came, Uraraka just left and it gets kind of lonely. "Tell me about it." Shoto said, "Whenever Momo goes out, I find myself missing her like crazy."

"There's been one thing that has been bothering me though," Shoto said in a concerning tone.

"What? Don't tell me you're having second thoughts about the wedding? You guys have loved each other since year 1 at UA!" Izuku proclaims.

"No! It's not about that, at all. I've been concerned about her health recently. She's been getting nauseous and moody lately. It's not like her. I think it's the wedding stress, but I can't imagine it taking that much of a toll on her."

"Ahem," a blushing Izuku thinks about how to word his next sentence but in end chooses to just give it to him straight.

"Is... Is... Is there... Oh, God." Izuku struggles to get the words out but in one breath proceeds with, "Is there a possibility Momo may be... pregnant?"

Absolute silence filled the room. One could hear a pin drop in there.

Shoto is left appalled and at a loss for words. His face becomes a bright shade of crimson and almost forgets to breathe for a good minute.

"Oh my God, Todoroki I'm so sorry! It was just the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned the nausea and the-"

Shoto silences Izuku, revealing a tear strolling down the scarred side of his face. "I'm going to be a father," he said with a beaming smile.

Izuku hugs Shoto and congratulates him on the feat. They both sit down as Shoto tries to pull himself together from his tears of joy, however, this proved unsuccessful when he kept crying while laughing at the same time.

After some tea and a very lengthy chat, Izuku walks Shoto out and waves at him as he boards his car. As Shoto drives home, all he can do is daydream about holding his child in his hands. He never thought that one visit to his best friend's house would change his life for the better.

While the question is still up in the air, Shoto wishes for it to be true. It makes sense that it would, and it would fulfill the dream that pair shares about starting a family.

As he unlocks the door, he hears retching sounds coming from the bathroom. "Well damn, maybe I shouldn't get too excited, the poor girl has to deal with everything and I can't do much about it. " Shoto whispers to himself. He runs to Momo's side and comforts her. Momo tucks her head under Shoto's chin and he plants a kiss on the top of her head.

"I wonder if she knows."

- three days until the wedding -

save the date; a week with my everything | todomomoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя