the running waterfall

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written by nathania


There was a small waterfall in the woods. Its depth surpassed the ocean. No one could find it for it ran and never stayed in one place for long. But the sound of the siren would always guide the wild beasts to her home.

It was rumored that the siren fell for a lost man in the woods. Unfortunately, she killed him with just the opening of her lips, the one that urged him to drown.

Ever since then, she kept her lips shut and only hummed for the creatures to drink her stream. For her voice brought both prosperity and doom and anyone who saw her could merely adore her from afar.

Not a single worldly mankind ever saw her again.

Except, perhaps, for the cursed bear that was both a wild and a person. Who had blood-filled claws and feral eyes, a bit of humanity inside them.

The bear was the only piece of him she had got left.

And although he wasn't her human, she was still fond of him.


perhaps i'm tired of being adored
perhaps it's not enough
they said they also love me
deep down, i know it's just a bluff

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