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I was out again, meeting with someone who was past due with his payment. His name was Min yoongi .

I usually wouldn't go out to meet clients like this, but he insisted I meet with him, claiming his reasoning for being late was sensible.

So I was meeting up with him.

I knocked on his apartment door. The man lived in a crumbling apartment building, slowly loosing himself and his money to his bad gambling habits.

He got so desperate that he asked to borrow money from me, one hundred grand to be exact. But it came with a price. I don't just give out cash to those that are desperate. Warren was a different story though.

He had a family, he needed to money to get back on his feet.

But my guess, he couldn't resist trying to double it, so he lost it all, and his family.

The door opened and Yoongi let me in, offering a nervous smile.

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir. Is there a-any way I can g-give you the money n-next month." He asked.

I shook my head, "That just won't do."

"Please, I had to use the money on my wifes hospital bills and haven't gotten a chance to earn it back." He begged.

I shook my head, "Your family will be better off without you."

I pulled my gun out and pointed it at his head, "No ple-" I pulled the trigger and he fell to the floor, blood spilling from the hole in his head.

No gun shot would be heard from the neighbors because the silencer I always had on. But even if they did, no one would care, the noise is heard all the time.

I turned and walked out of the apartment, my men following.

We were walking back out to the car when some little shit ran out of the alley and tried to mug me.

He obviously didn't see the men behind me, though he did catch me off guard and he managed to slice open my side before I could grab the hand with the knife in it and turn him around, trapping his other arm and putting the knife to his throat.

"Do you know who you just assulted, boy?" I questioned as the boy scrambled in my grasp.

"I'm sorry, your wearing a nice suit so I thought I could get some cash and run."

"Well you chose the wrong rich man." I scolded and pushed the knife into his neck letting him fall as he choked on his own blood.

I straightened out my suit and motioned for my men to put their weapons away.

"Sir, your bleeding." One of them said.

"I'll be fine once I get to the house." I said.

We got in the car and my driver drove as fast as he could to the house.

By the time we got there my suit was ruined and I was starting to get tired.

Someone opened the door for me and helped me out. As we were walking to the front door Jimin, Jhope and Namjoon .

"Jungkook ?" Jimin asked. He jogged over and helped me inside, "What the fuck happened?" He asked.

"Jimin." I scolded, smacking him in the chest.

"Sorry," He appologized half heartedly, "Where is the first aid kit?"

"Bathroom." I said.

He led me to the bathroom and I hoisted myself onto the counter. He searched the shelves until he found the kit and he wetted a towel as I removed my suit jacket and shirt.

He cleaned up the blood around the wound before disinfecting the wound, "Cazzo!" I hussed as the burning substance filled the wound.

"Sorry." He appologized, "It needs stitches, I can't do that."

"It's alright. Thank you." I said, taking in a deep breath. I grabbed the needle and tread from the kit. I had done this before.

I took in another deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them and begining to stitch it up, biting onto a cloth I had put in my mouth.

"Oh my God." Jimin breathed as he watched me stitch myself up, blood flowing from the wound as I did so.

It took all I had to keep my breathing steady and my hands from shaking, a few grunts leaving my mouth in the process.

Once I had finished stitching myself up I sank against the bathroom counter, having forgotten how much it took from me to stitch myself up. I felt his cold hands brush my flushed skin as he put a bandage over the stitches.

"Let me help you to bed." Jimin spoke softly after a few moments of hesitation.

I opened my eyes and nodded, putting my arm around his shoulders. He grabbed my hand and put his arm around my waist, supporting as much of my weight as he could.

He helped me up the stairs and to my room where he helped me lay down in bed.

"Do you need anything?" He asked softly again.

I smiled at him, "Water."

He nodded and walked out to get some, he came back with some and offered it to me.

"Thank you." I said and took the glass, drinking it before setting it on the side table.

"Your welcome." He was quiet before adding, "You know, you kind of scared me when you walked up like that."

I smiled, "It's just a scratch."

"A scratch that needed stitches." Jimin said.

Before I could really contemplate what I was about to do, I did it. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to me, capturing his lips with mine.

He fought against me for a few seconds, but my hand held the back of his neck prevented him from moving away and he eventually sank into the kiss before I finally pulled away.

He let out a huff, "That was so uncalled for." He was looking everywhere but me.

"I know."

"Fuck off." He huffed again, but he was still there. I thought about getting mad at him but I was too tired.

"I'm okay, Jimin. Thank you." I said, feeling tired.

He glanced at me before walking out.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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