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"What is it that you do?" I asked lightly, approaching the subject shyly.

"Do you really want to know that? You've never been fond of the subject, what has you interested now?"

"It's not human trafficking is it? Because I don't think I can handle that?" I asked suddenly stopping.

"Jimin, what is all this about? I thought you were fine not knowing, what's with the want to know?" He asked, looking right at me, hands on my shoulders.

"I always thought that I couldn't handle it, that I would hate you even more. But I don't hate you anymore, I love you, I really do and since I'm meeting your... mafia friends, I should at least know what it is you do." I said.

He sighed and after a minute he answered, "Like Jackson, I run a growing drug company but I also sell weapons, that is where most of the money comes from." He said.

I let out an actual sigh of relief, "Okay, I can live with that."

"Are you ready now?" He asked, seeming relieved aswell, "For a minute there I though you were going to hate me." He kissed me it was long and sweet.

"Maybe we should have just stayed home." His voice was low and full of lust.

"Lets go inside." I said a little breathlessly. "I didn't dress up and ride in a car for two hours just to go back home."

He wrapped his arm around me and we walked to the door, "This is why I love you." He whipsered.

He knocked on the door and, who I'm assuming is his butler, answered the door.

Inside there were men in perfectly tailored suits, women in beautifully flowing dresses and waitors walking around with glasses of wine, red and white.

Jungkook grabbed one of the glasses from a waiter walking around with a tray just before a tall man with blonde hair and bright green eyes walked up to us.

"Jungkook , it's great to see you." The man said giving his a hug, "Sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding."

"It's good to see you too, Jackson. How's Lisa?" Jungkook asked.

"Great," He smiled and waved a woman over. She was a beautiful woman in a long flowing red dress, her long black hair fell in curls down her back and her shining blue eyes looked us over.

It took me a minute to notice the bump in her dress, "I had no idea you two were expecting." Jungkook smiled, pulling Lisa in for another hug. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." Jackson smiled.

Lisa began a conversation with me as Jungkook and Jackson got to talking, "I hear you and Jungkook just got married, you're so young." She smiled.

"Well it wasn't exactly on my terms but I love him now and that's all that matters." I offered a smile, grabbing a glass of wine knowing I would need a some form of alcohol if the evening didn't get better.

I was probably the youngest one there and I'm sure I'd be getting a lot of questions, but surely arranged marriage wasn't something these people weren't used to.

"That's good to hear. Sometimes, in situations like yours feelings never blossom." She said, holding her baby bump, probably subconsciously.

I suppose she was right, I was lucky that I had come to love Jungkook .

Just then Jungkook wrapped an arm around me, "Sorry for interrupting, I have to introduce Jimin to a few more people." He smiled and she nodded.

"Of course, I will talk to you later, Jimin." She smiled and walked back to her husband.

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