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I felt awful for leaving Jimin, I had this nagging feeling that leaving him was not the best idea but I had men guarding the floor, on the roof and on the ground. I wasn't taking any chances.

I had Jin with me and and few of my men. Jin had the case with the couple million dollars.

"They confirmed a meeting place. Old warehouse just outside the heart of the city." He informed me as we got into the car and headed for the warehouse.

It didn't take too long to get there, only about thirty minutes with trafic and long back roads. I wasted no time getting out of the car and walking in, Jin quietly yelling at me to slow down. I got into the warehouse and there were three men in the center.

"What made you decided to attack my casino?" I asked as I approached them.

I wasn't stupid, I could see the people they had lurking in the shadows, supposedly hiding. They were like rats and this was their sewer.

"It's been a while since we picked on the Jeon family, we felt like it was time again." The leader spoke, trying to seem powerful.)

"Well that stops now, you're scaring off my well paying gamblers and I can't have that anymore." I was finally in front of them, slightly staring down and the short, fat men.

"We want five million." The leader demanded.

"You're in no position to make any demands, I could have you all killed in seconds. So you either like my offer and live or you don't and you die." I said. They believed me, they tried to act high and mighty but I knew they would run when the guns were drawn.

"What's your offer?" He asked backing up a bit as he looked me up and down.

"Two million and you leave my casino alone." I informed, Jin stepped up and opened the case, showing the money.

They were silent for a minute, looking at each other, "Deal." He nodded.

"If you come after me or my family again, you're all dead." I said lowly, promising my treat.

I shook the leaders hand and had Jin hand them the case.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk out of the warehouse. Jin and my men following behind me.

Once we were back in the car I sighed, loosening my tie and relaxing in the seat. I couldn't help to worry that set in when I thought about how Jimin was all alone. Then I reassured myself with the thought of my men protecting him eith their lifes, otherwise they would be dead.

"Are you worried about him?" Jin asked me. He was very good at reading people.

I nodded and pulled out my phone, deciding I would call to make sure everything was alright just to ease my nerves on the thirty minute ride back to the hotel.

It took a few rings, I imagined Namjoon or Jhope ran in the room and found him either sleeping or reading. But Jimin answered so I assumed he wasn't sleeping.

"Is everything alright?" I could hear the slight worry in his voice.

"Everything's fine, I'm on my way back." I told him, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine, is there reason for me not to be?"

"Not anymore."

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Jimin said.

"Get some sleep." I said, the only nap he took was the short plane ride here and he usually makes it a habit to sleep two hours every day.

I hung up then, hoping Jimin would do as I said, we had a busy day tomorrow. I had made reservations at a restaurant which one of my uncles owned for lunch and then a five star resturant for dinner. Then I planed for a few casinos where Jimin and I could blow a couple hundred grand, maybe he'd make a little back. It wasn't like money was a problem for me.

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