New Plan-!

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Rey now knew what she had to do. She tried too hard focusing on the end goal. Forgetting all the little steps between. She thought she could just jump around and do it right away, she thought everything would just come to her as it always seemed to in the beginning of her story.

She could connect with Ben. Connect in a way that no Jedi of her knowledge had ever done before. Balance of the universe, balance of the force. Balance of each other. Day, night, opposites, the same. All of it. They weren't beings, they were energy. Energy that had ebb and flow all around it. Shifting and ever changing. They were their own force; own entity.

Coming in from the reflective sand of the purple night; the sands of past and time; she sat in the former home of her former mentor.

She sat upon the cold floor. Eyes shut, legs cross cross, hair loosely tied behind her head. Complete focus. Utter determination. A blank mind of nothingness except one thought. One emotion. One idea. An idea that she stretched beyond time and space.

The world shook the more she focused. Clattering pots and pans, rocks tumbling down. And yet she went on.




Even breaths circling,





Another presence filled the lonely room.

Another person. But not another body. Another life force. Another will. Another.

Rey took in a large gasp of air as she opened her eyes. There in front of her— was Ben.

But not just Ben. He was a hazy blue version of himself, translucently filling the void. The void of space both used and unoccupied.

He started to look down. Studying his hands. Wiggling his fingers. Confused. His knees weak; arms heavy. His eyes focused and unsure.

Silence. Complete nothingness. Thoughts not even at a whisper. Quieter than the dead of night.

A cough. Quiet and polite. However deafening it may have been to the silence and void. Rey removed her elbow from in front of her mouth. Finally daring to look up at the figure before her.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. An eternity spent lost in their eyes, staring at one another. Both unsure. Both scared. Both enveloped in the bittersweet relief.

"Rey?" She stared at the voice calling out to her, "Why am I here?"

A/N: Do you know what's even better than two updates at one time? THREE!!! I just felt I needed to make it up to you guys & they were all really short so I figured so a bunch would be good. Guess I'll go crawl back into my hole for another month now before updating again lol. Just kidding, I hope!

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