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(TW: a very very vulgar language)

Deceit: "Do you know what's the worst part of Easter?"

Remus: "No?"

Deceit: "Easter eggs without nuts. Like, they are so good, where are my nuts?"

Remus: "Oh, yeah, daddy, give me those nuts, where are they?"

Deceit: "Do you think I am a child? Do you think I may choke up if I eat them? Spoiler: I don't. I'M NOT A CHILD, GIVE ME EGGS WITH NUTS, DADDY!"

Remus: "Yeah!"

Deceit: "But no. No nuts for me. Maybe he thought I've been a bad child last year, that b*****d"

Remus: "No? Burn him alive for that!"

Deceit: "Good idea. And I'll eat nuts in front of them as they are burning"

Remus: "Eat his nuts, bro"

Deceit: "Yeah. We've got nuts in my house. I'm gonna eat every nut"

So, yeah, I had a chat with a friend of mine.

All I got from it is the headcanon that Deceit sometimes acts like this to make Remus laugh.

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