Chapter 009 News

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On that Monday, Anita went home with the mobile phone.

Anita told him that she won't do anything that day. Alex was getting impatient and nervous.

Anita didn't want to release it on Monday evening. Since Alex was punished on that day, some will suspect Alex. So Anita made an email with the attachments and instead of sending it right away, she saved it as a future mail. The time of the mail was set as 3 PM Tuesday. Since they were in the school at that time, no one would suspect them.

During these days, both the kids didn't hold back a bit from spreading rumours. They also made different versions of the story. The rumours were spread among those who got punished and those who were not punished.

On Tuesday, Alex was really nervous. He couldn't pay any attention to the classes. His heart was beating like a drum.

In the evening, after reaching home, he tried his best to act normal. He fought with Anu on the way. Nagged his mom until she kicked him. Finally, he took a bath and started eating biscuits with milk.

Then his mother got a phone call and she immediately turned on the television. There was 5 PM news on the television.

"Wow... Our school is in the news!" Anu was excited.

"Wow..." Alex acted excited as well.

Slowly the excitation changed to shock.

The news anchor read out many rumours and played certain sound clips.

"We have already reached out to some of the families of the students. The students screamed and denied to talk. The mail we received had names of the students who were tortured and the phone numbers. In case of some of the students, even the date was mentioned." The news anchor delivered the news.

"The police said that they are investigating the matter."

Riya changed the channel. 5 PM was news hour in all the channels targeting office workers who had returned home from work. To their shock, all the channels were celebrating the same news.

'Torture of Kindergarten kids by teachers!'

"Alex, my baby, did they hurt you?" Alex's mom was scared and almost crying.



"They threatened me twice," Alex replied cheerfully.

Riya started shivering. She didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry. I am not scared."

'Wha... Why?"

"I thought it was a girl ghost," Alex replied innocently.

Alex wanted to make her mother at ease. So he told the first lie that came to his mouth.

"..." Riya stared at her son with her mouth agape.

"You... you were not scared because you thought it was a girl ghost?" She asked in disbelief.

Alex nodded vigorously.

Riya fell on her butt. She had absolutely no idea what to do or what to say to her four-year-old son whose personality was becoming more and more ... complicated.

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