Chapter 1: A Mission Gone Wrong

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Author's POV:

"Cap! All clear here!"

"Clint! Need backup!"

"Heading your way!"

"Mr. Stark? What exactly is the plan here?"

"Stop the big giant with the machine guns."


"Hey, Queens?"

"Yes, Mr. Rogers sir?

"Are you able to web his guns? We need to end the shots he's firing."

"Yeah okay! I'll do that!"

"Watch out kid...please."

"Got it, Mr. Stark!"

The Avengers were in battle. Their foe, a giant robot about fifty feet attacking New York made by an experiment that went wrong and made all sorts of metal combine to something big. They all did what they were told to; Wanda and Clint did their best to get people away from the danger zone while Tony shot away any falling building pieces along with Rhodey. The rest did their best to move the robot's attention away from the people and tried to find a weak point in order to put an end to the trouble.

The robot had many mini guns around its arms and chest, but it had huge machine guns on its shoulders firing the biggest shots. Those were the ones that needed to be taken out the most.

Peter was running, yes running, his adrenaline rising as his nerves got stronger. He has to do it, control it. Looking up, the robot was right there, his guns facing him, it was time. He took a deep breath before aiming at the building on the robot's right, a web shot out of his web shooter and it stuck to the building, pulling Peter up high.

"Come on Peter, don't lose control," Peter grunted to himself, landing on the building, noticing the others trying to move the robot's attention to them and away from Peter, giving him a chance to web the guns shut. Peter gulped, trying so hard to stay in control before shooting another web, heading towards the first big machine gun, he managed to web it closed. In the moment of success, Peter sighed in relief that put his guard down.

The others were doing what they can to weaken the robot; Steve threw his shield, cutting a few parts of the robot, but not enough as he was layers upon layers of solid steel. Tony and Rhodey, having joined the battle with Wanda, shot at the guns that shot back, managing to steer the robot's attention away from everyone down below. Wanda tried throwing building pieces at the robot, some of them getting shot away. Clint shot his arrows trying to get rid of the thick amount of steel with small explosions.

Sam's wings were shot saving Bucky from a shot so he stood his ground next to The Winter Soldier, shooting from their own guns at the robot's vision. Bruce was with the people, trying to help them with any medical injuries, the big guy not coming out easily. Natasha was on her motorbike, trying to make it to the battle after checking up on Bruce and the people. Vision was trying to push the robot back with his beam and through all that, the robot was still standing, guns growing when one was taken down from the big amount of steel.

Peter shot a web close to the left side of the robot, just one more gun, but as he slung there, he felt something crawling up his neck from the inside of the suit. His eyes widened in fear as he realized what was happening, he landed on the building, panicking as he tried to push him back. He didn't know how long he took trying to push him back, but it wasn't working.

"Queens! We need that gun shut now!"

Peter started breathing heavily, his eyes shut tight as he pushed back with all his strength.

Caged Guidance (Spiderson/Irondad) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now