Chapter 8: Chased Down

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Peter, on his heels, suddenly finds himself breathing heavily, unable to catch his breath. Ned, MJ, and the whole school, they're here and from their faces of fear, Peter could understand that they know. They know and now are scared of him.

"Peter?" Ned slowly calls out. Peter looks at his friend, still breathing heavily, tears burning his eyes. He's shaking as he stands up, struggling to stand still. Ned, with no fear, comes towards his friend, grabbing his arm. Peter flinches and jerks his arm away from Ned.

"NO! Don't touch me!" He yells, scared to hurt his friend.

"Peter, it's okay. It's just me." Ned speaks.

Peter, tears now streaming down his face, stares at his friend, his lips pressed against each other tightly, trying to grasp on the peaceful aura Ned gives. Ned gives Peter a reassuring smile, his hands up going to grab Peter's arm again. MJ steps closer to make sure nothing goes out of control. The school around them watches, now knowing that Peter was back to his own self and that Venom was gone, temporarily.

Ned grasps Peter's left arm, the boy flinches slightly but doesn't yell out or run. Ned keeps smiling, trying to reassure Peter from one friend to another. Peter looks at Ned and tries to say something.

"I...I-I didn't mean it..." Peter's voice shakes, his voice a whisper.

Ned smiles: "I know... it's okay."

Tears keep streaming down his face as Peter shakes his head in denial: ", it's not! I hurt someone, didn't I? Everyone is scared of me- I didn't-I didn't mean it...I didn't want this...I'm sorry-"

"Peter!" MJ cuts him off, stepping closer and grasping his other arm: "It's not your fault, you couldn't control him."

"But-I-I could have!"

"No, you couldn't." She says: "He was too strong...Besides, we don't blame you. If that Nicholas Fury just minded his own damn business-!"

"What?" Peter's voice lowers into a whisper.

MJ and Ned hesitate to answer, glancing at each other before turning to face Peter's terrified face again. MJ's lip shakes in fear of his reaction as she spills out:

"They know...About Venom and Nick Fury taking risks on your own life..."

Peter's eyes widen and he stares in shock at his friends.

"And..." MJ continues: "They know...about Spider-man..."

His ears started buzzing, his breath came to a harsh halt before his chest heaves quickly, in and out. His eyes go unfocused and he feels his friends grasping his arms tightly to keep him from falling to his knees. He feels the tightness in his chest, the heat on his cheeks from the tears falling, his body feeling cold, the blood still surrounding him with its metallic scent, and he can feel all the concerned and scared looks from the other students and teachers.

"" He begins to mutter, trying to grasp out of what he believes to be an illusion and to wake up back in the cage whether he likes it or not: "No, this can't...this can't, no-no. This can't be happening- I don't- I-... I need, I can't..."

"Peter, breathe. You're okay, I promise."

The distant sound of a car door slamming and some loud sirens ring in Peter's ears after they caught Ned's worried voice. Peter begins to panic even more as he tries to get out of his friend's arms holding him in a hug when they saw his gaze move to the windows.

"No...No! NO!" Peter screams, tears non-stopping. His friends look ready to burst into tears themselves as they heard Peter scream out in pain: "NO! Please, I didn't mean it! PLEASE NO!" His whole body is shaking, he feels uncomfortable heat of anger and fear twist in his stomach but his body feels cold on the outside.

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