Surprise attack

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"There you go!" The cashier said behind the market stand while handing me the automail supplies.

"Thank you!" I replied with a smile taking the bag from her. Turning around I caught a glimpse of a fully grown flower by the market stand representing that spring is almost over and summer about to start up again, and the fact that it's blazing hot outside.

Edward and Alphons headed their separate ways a couple of months ago, Edward heading west and Alphons heading East. I get letters from Alphons most of the time, and it doesn't seem like he's coming back soon. As far as I know, after he got there Mei decided to tag along with him and teach him their way of Alchemy, and not so long ago they decided to go stay at Ling's palace for a week or so to gain more information. They wanted to help all of the clans to build a stable economy and live peacefully as well, instead of being down each other's throats all the time. I only have a few details of what Edward has been up to. From what I know though his automail is in better condition without all the fighting anymore, I sure hope that isn't a lie though. Knowing him he's probably not drinking his darn milk with no one there to watch him. I sigh and shake my head at the thought. I look back up to see the house come in sight and trug up the stairs to the deck.

"Grandma!" I yell opening the door. "I have the automail parts that you wanted me to get," I finish saying.

"Thank you Winry, could you bring them to me?" she asked in the automail room.

"Sure thing!" I said and started walking with the automail parts but stopped for a second when I caught a glimpse of Edward's coat hanging on the hooks. That's weird, I thought to myself as I continued.

Quickly making my way over to my grandma, Pinako, I set down the parts beside her, "Here you go!"

"Thank you. Can you finish up the arm you've got in your room tonight or tomorrow? The customer said that they are going to pick it up in a couple of days." she asked her voice croaky from her old age.

"Ok, I'll get it done by tonight," I said as I quickly turned around to go and look to for Edward. My best bet is that he'll be upstairs in his room.

I trudge my way up the stairs and go down the hall to his bedroom door. I stand there for a second before opening the door. Opening the door the sunlight from the sun setting on the horizon slightly blinded me before I look over to his bed where i would expect him to be taking a nap. Sighing, from the disappointment that he wasn't there I started to close the door.

"What'cha doing looking in my room Winry?" A voice said from behind me.

Out of instinct, I turn around with my wrench in hand and smack the person behind me right in the head. Looking down I saw Edward on the floor. 

"Edward!" I shrieked," you scared me half to death!"

Rubbing his head he gets up off the floor " Geez Winry, that doesn't mean you have to smack me in the head with a wrench." He said while looking down at me. I know that he's been taller than me for a couple of years,(remember at the end of the show it says that two years have passed by before Ed and Al head off. Making Ed 18, Al 17 and Winry 18 as well) but I never get used to it. Sometimes though I wish that I was still taller than him.

"If you don't want to be smacked in the head with a wrench then you shouldn't surprise me like that." I scolded him," Why didn't you write a letter or call telling me that you were coming back?" I ask him while heading downstairs.

"Since when have I ever told you that I was coming?" He pointed out as he followed behind me.

"Why are you here anyway?" I ask, then I stop to think, and it hits me. "Don't tell me you messed up your automail again! It hasn't even half a year since you left!" I yell at him.

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