~The end of the school day~

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Since Lunch, Shiromi and Aoi haven't spoke. Akane and Kuroko have tried to push the two girls to talk to each other, but they couldn't.It was near the end of the day and all the students had left. They were wrapping things up at school and did one last check around the school before packing up. They all walked to their dorms and changed. It was quiet. Everyone was quiet. But Shiromi eventually built up the courage to go over to Aoi's bed. She knelt next to her and said, 'Aoi, are you okay..?' Aoi stayed silent and nodded slightly. Shiromi sighed, knowing that Aoi was lying. With tears in her eyes, she walked back to her bed and layed down. Hopefully tomorrow, things would start afresh and Aoi would actually talk to her. But for now, she needed to sleep and figure out things with Aoi tomorrow.

(Sorry this is so short, im just rlly tired ;-;)

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