~Next morning~

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It was the next morning and Shiromi was the first one up. It was very early in the morning, 6:30 pm. Hopefully today, Aoi would talk to her, and they could make up. But for now, she had to worry about other things. Just as every other normal day, she went to get dressed for school, but unexpectedly, Akane had awoken, wondering why Shiromi was up this early. 'Shiromi, what are you doing?' Asked Akane. 'Huh? Oh, Akane! I just woke up early, that's all!' Answered Shiromi. Akane didn't think much of it and fell back down to her bed, where she slept for a bit longer. By the time the other girls had already woke up, Shiromi had already left. In confusion, they all get dressed and went to find Shiromi, who was standing by the fountain, looking into the clear water. They searched everywhere, they were scared, worried, but not as worried as Aoi, who was panicking, maybe even letting a few tears slip from her eyes. But not so long after, they found her, casually staring at the fountain. Aoi was relieved, she went up to Shiromi to hug her, maybe a bit to tight. 'Aoi.! I can't breathe!!' Shouted Shiromi. Aoi realized and let go, blushing a little, as she was embarrassed. Shiromi smiled.  Maybe today will go the way she planned it..

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