~Prom night~

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It was finally the day of the Prom and they were finishing off the school day. They needed to go back to their dorms to get ready, since the prom was after the actual school day. Shiromi was prancing around the student council room, excitedly. 'I can't wait for tonight!' Shouted Shiromi. Little did she know, Aoi had planned something special for Shiromi, she couldnt wait either. The 4 girls were heading back to their dorms to get changed for tonights prom, but not all went to plan. Akane couldnt find her dress, even though she put it on her bed, Kuroko, couldnt find her glasses, even though she put them on her dresser after she got back from school? Aoi couldnt find her tux, and Shiromi had lost her head piece. All the girls were panicking, 'What if we miss the prom?!' Shouted Akane. 'Don't worry girls, we wont miss the prom.' Replied Kuroko. Even though she couldnt find her tux, Aoi was more focused on the necklace she bought, just for Shiromi. She took it out of her pocket, and looked at it, making sure it wasnt broken. 'Whats that Aoi?' Shiromi asked. Aoi widened her eyes and hid the necklace, making sure she didnt ruin the surprise. 'Oh..! Erm, its nothing!' Replied Aoi, Shiromi was a little curious, but decided not to think about it. 'Girls look what i found!' Shouted Akane from a different room. All the girls stuff was locked in a very weirdly placed cupboard. 'OMG! How'd do you find this Akane?' Asked Shiromi. 'I was just looking round to find a replacement and looked in here, but our stuff was already here!' Answered Akane.

The girls got dressed and started to head for the main hall, where the prom was being held. There were bright lights, photo booths, snacks, cotton candy, souvenir pictures, everything a prom could need! 'Impressive.' Stated Kuroko. Shiromi smiled in excitement and took Aoi's hand to go to the photo booths. Is this where Aoi was goimg to ask Shiromi...?

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