Chapter 2 - James, the Human Born Vampire

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Surprisingly the pain never did come. Just as his fangs were about to pierce my skin and kill me his hand was yanked away from my neck and I could breathe. After a few seconds of having a coughing attack I looked down to see that Darnell was no longer alone, there was another person there, this guy had the brightest Navy Blue hair she had ever seen and compared to Darnell's snowy white hair it was easy to tell which one was which.

I could tell that they were angry with each other, seeing as how both of them were snarling at one another, and because of that I was able to tell that this second man was also a Vampire. The strange thing was that I wasn't scared of the second man, I don't know why but something inside of me knew that this man was here to help me and not hurt me, although there was no evidence to say otherwise.

Suddenly I was lowered down enough to actually see the two men, which is a good thing seeing as how I probably would have missed their conversation and this was something I really needed to hear, seeing as how it had to do with if I would live or die.

"Darnell!!!" The blue haired vampire hissed the name through his teeth, I could tell that they knew each other and were not big fans of each other, " You were told to bring her back to Vella with the Diamond not with only the Jewel, what were you planning to do?"

"James," Darnell seemed to almost purr at him, it seemed like he did it to make James feel more like a child, " I was simply planning to bring Vella the Diamond like she had asked only I planned to edit the story to where this little bitch was not co-operating and how hypnotism wasn't working on her and how I had no choice but to kill her or blow my cover as a human."

James growled at the fact that Darnell had called me a bitch which got me to think, why does he care? But then there was another thought that was much louder then the last one was, he is trying to kill me too. The thought scared me but I focused on what they said more then my own fear, because I knew that if I didn't that I would die completely unaware of the how it happened.

"But now that I've been found out, so I guess there is no choice but to think of a better one, unless of course you want to keep this our little secret? I'll even share some of the blood with you," Darnell said tempting James but all James did was move in front of me and crouch like an animal preparing to pounce, "Of course you won't, you want to protect the little slut to much. Oh, that's right, Vella told me all about your dirty little secret, you are a strange one aren't you, not very often that a Vampire is born to a human family."

"You know nothing about me or my family." James hissed at Darnell and I could feel the rage rolling of him like a heat wave. I could honestly see the steam rising off of him.

"Oh, but that's not entirely true, I do know quite a bit about your family. I know you have two parents who gave you up because they were afraid of a freak like you, and I don't blame them I mean after all it isn't normal to have one of your kind and honestly I would have killed you myself if I was your parents," Darnell said smiling evilly at him while pacing back and forth, I knew he was trying to make him weak and make an opening in his defenses so that way he could get through it and kill us both, "I also know that you have a little sister, though Vella never told me her name or any-"

Before he had a chance to finish his sentence James attacked him, during the time where Darnell was saying all those things James had started shaking and had his head down and I could hear the growl growing in his chest and at last he very obviously couldn't take it anymore and attacked him.

They were moving so fast that all I could see was the blur of their blue and white hairs. After a few minutes of their hairs whipping around me, which honestly wasn't very fun for me seeing as how the vines made me follow them because the one who created them was moving around so bloody much, they finally stopped attacking each other and were still. They were glaring at each other panting with exertion and I noticed how James was still in front of me, defending me.

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