Chapter 1 - VAMPIRES ARE REAL?!?!

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I grew up hearing the story of Kalias and her mother the all powerful Shawoman for most of my life and at first I thought they were the most amazing stories ever but then as I grew older I started to think that they were such a load of BS that I stopped listening to them all together when my Grandma came over.

Every time my Grandma would ask me why I didn't believe in the story I'd tell her the same thing over and over again, that before I believe anything that I can't see, I need solid concrete evidence that there is even a possibility, that it could be true, and every time she told me that same thing in return, that the only proof I need is on my neck.

See, the thing is is that I was born with a weirdly shaped birthmark on my neck that quite a few people have said look like a Diamond. Back then I thought that that's all it was, a weirdly shaped birthmark, even though my Grandma swore until the day she died that my birthmark was a sign of a great and terrible fate that had to do with these weird ancestors of mine.

Little did I know that my Grandmother was exactly right on everything. I found out about my entire past and future almost a week before my 16th birthday.

I was hanging out with my two best friends of all time, Ruby and Hope. Most people wondered how on earth we became friends, I mean we were almost all completely different, Hope was petite and blonde with the most beautiful green eyes, (though if you said that to her face she would deny it) and then there was Ruby who was tall and slim and had hair that was a red as the jewel she was named after with eyes as blue as the night sky just before the sunsets. Then there was me who I swear I'm the most ordinary person in our little trio of friends, I have brown hair and blue eyes, nothing really extraordinary about me at all, the only thing that is slightly askew about me is the birthmark that I have.

That day we were secretly hoping that we could find each others birthday presents. The weirdest thing about our trio, besides each of us being different, is the fact that all of us have birthdays really close to each others, in the same month in fact. Ruby is the oldest by exactly four days, her birthday is on June 18th, and then me in the middle on the 22nd, and finally Hope is the youngest on the 30th.

Before we even were anywhere near the store we were hoping to go to I was suddenly blown away from my friends by an extremely powerful wind, so powerful that it literally took my breath away. Just when I thought that my lungs would explode from lack of oxygen, as quickly as the wind came it left.

As I caught my breath I looked around to see where in the hell I was. How in the hell did I end up in Farmer Jones's field? I thought to myself as I recognized where I was because of all the wheat that was surrounding me. The wheat was still green because it was still growing which was my absolute favorite time to come and visit here, I was actually planning on making my way down here as soon as possible because I didn't like the wheat when it was gold, I don't know exactly why but I love to look at wheat when it is completely green and growing.

As I looked at the growing wheat trying to figure out exactly how I got to here in such a fast time, I was reminded of the times that I came here with my mother as a child, we would just stand over by the fence that Farmer Jones himself built to keep out the young teenagers who enjoyed burning his crops, though that really didn't work they still went in there and did it anyways. But I remembered just standing there with my mother not saying anything and staring at the green wheat as it bent in the breeze. I remember thinking to myself that this place was one place where I could feel completely at peace with everything in her life no matter what was going on.

It still did to that very day too but today there was absolutely no breeze bending the wheat so that told me that I was pretty far away from the highway that was near the fence.

The Diamond of StrengthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon