Chapter 4 - Meet Vella

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The room was so brightly lit that I had to close my eyes for a moment before I could see the room properly. When my eyes finally adjusted I was completely stunned by what I saw. It wasn't at all like what I expected, if I'm being perfectly honest, which most of the time I am, I was expecting something more run down and broken like the rest of the house.

But to my most pleasant surprise it was not at all like that. In fact it was better then most other places I've been to before, it was the biggest study I have ever seen and it was filled with more books then I've seen in one place before, like ever. I walked in further, just FYI it was a huge room, and looked around seeing all the different colored bindings and titles, and I swear I could hear the Hallelujah Chorus.

But just as quickly as it had come that feeling of happiness had come, it was gone, because the source of the uneasy feeling that I had been having before I entered the room, was sitting behind the huge desk at the end of the room.

The desk itself was beautiful, it was made out of Birchwood, at least that's what it looked like to me at the time, and it must have been recently been polished because there was no other way for the table to be as shiny as it was. (If you're wondering why I know so much about different types of wood, its because my adoptive father is a carpenter and he taught me about them early in my childhood.) But it seemed scary to me because of the presence that I could sense behind it.

As I approached the table I pictured many different ways that this mysterious Vella would look, like if she was tall and pretty, or if she was short and cute. If she was older, younger, my age. If she had long hair or short hair or shoulder length hair. I had so many combinations in my head that it actually started to spin, and at the same time so did the swivel chair that was behind the desk.

In the chair was a small adorable looking girl, she had really long hair that was pure white, well actually it looked more silver but I'm pretty sure it would be considered white, or would it actually be considered white? I don't know but anyways, her eyes were pretty but also really creepy at the same time mainly due to their color, they were like really, really dark red, like blood red, almost like Ruby's hair, and then she spoke.

"I see that my James and Darnell were able to find you after all," She said with a voice that sounded like a cat purr but slightly harsher, almost like the cat didn't want to be pet but it was liking it to, "I knew they would after all they are my best little toys." The smile she was giving me was severely creeping me out and so being nervous I did what I usually did when I was nervous, I looked at the things that were surrounding me, and in this case I got to look at books. But then, there was a question that I had really been wanting to ask her since the first moment that I had seen her, and the way she spoke really sparked my interest and so I decided to ask it.

"How old are you?" I asked with my head slightly tilted, the reason why I had asked was because, she looked like she was around 10 or 12 but when she spoke it seemed like she was like 30, plus with Vampires you never can tell how old a person is, due to the fact that they don't age the way normal humans do.

She blinked a few times and seemed to lose the creepy smile that was on her face, which made me relax a little, though I still had that edgy feeling of discomfort, and then she did something that I did not expect. She laughed, and hard too. I had no idea what I had said that was so funny, and I even went over the conversation in my head to see what was so funny and I came up empty.

When she finally stopped laughing she looked at me with an incredulous look on her face, (and for once I actually know what that big word means, and no one can tell me that that word is not big and difficult to understand when you first see it because if they say that then they are lying. But I do have to say thanks to Ruby for actually teaching me that, thanks girl!) and she seemed to be still shocked slightly.

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