Chapter 5 - Fight to the Death

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Just before my fist connected with the back of Vella's head she decided to turn back around to say more things to torture Acotas, needless to say she did not expect to see us so close to her and before she could really defend herself my fist connected with her nose.

I heard a strangely satisfying crunch and knew, without a doubt, that Acotas and I had successfully managed to break her nose. I also knew that we were so going to pay for it right away, and as usual when it comes to things like this, I was right.

Blood poured from her fingers as she held her nose in her hand for only a few seconds. She lowered her hand slowly and turned her glowing red eyes back to (technically) the three of us and I noticed how the blood had already stopped flowing and it looked as though her nose was already going back into place and most likely healing. I was seriously terrified but with Acotas in control, my body showed no signs of the fear that I was feeling, the only thing that Vella saw was the smug smile that Acotas was wearing across my face.

"You bitch!" Vella shrieked at us, which was no huge surprise, but what was really surprising to the both of us was that she did not automatically jump at us and attack back, "You made me bleed! No little Slut and her fucking puppet makes me bleed and gets the fuck away with it, you will pay for it with your miserable lives, or should I say life seeing as how I've already killed one of you."

The darkness that I had been feeling around Vella I was now able to see, though I still don't know if it was because of Acotas's presence or if it had something to do with me in general, but I could see it and it was growing bigger, which in itself was an accomplishment seeing as how it was already pretty big to begin with. It enveloped her inside of it and grew even bigger as I sat there staring like an idiot.

She sent a giant wave in our direction and knocked us all back against the walls, I got to see James flying into the wall as well so that's how I knew that he had gotten hit with the wave of darkness too. Thanks to the blast Acotas was forced back into the far back of my mind which meant that I had to deal with the pain of hitting a very hard bookshelf full force on my own. It left me dazed and confused as well as slightly dizzy so I just slumped against it not able to move, though more then one voice in my head was screaming at me to get up, and little did I know that Vella was walking over to me, at least until she spoke from my side.

"You see James," Vella said sounding smug like she usually did and lifting my arm to where I could only guess was near her mouth seeing as how I could feel her breath on my wrist as she continued, "I always win."

My brother shouted something that I couldn't make out seeing as how right at that moment I felt Vella's fangs pierce my skin, and because of that I was shouting louder then he was. I could feel the heat from Vella's venom searing my veins as it worked its way quickly to my heart.

I felt her mouth wretched from my wrist, which didn't tickle by the way, and I could hear James calling my name and shaking me trying to get a response from me. But try as I might I could not open my eyes or speak or do anything, the venom, scorching me from the inside out, was weighing me down to the point where I could do nothing at all, but breath, very fast, of course.

I felt his hands leave my shoulder and could no longer feel his presence beside me though I could still feel it in the room. Since I had my eyes closed my other senses reached out and I could hear their snarls and grunts nearby where I was slumped by the wall. I could also feel there movements on the floor through my fingers and I knew that they were locked in a battle on the outside just as I was locked in a battle on the inside.

I was trying with all my might to stop the change that was going on inside of me and so far, it looked as though I was going to lose and that really scared me. I felt like I had curled up in a corner of my own mind and left the controls alone so that way I could just cower in fear and wait for the inevitable change that was coming.

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