Chapter 7

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He could smell her intoxicating perfume as soon as he stepped through her front door. She had brought her hair up into a classic bun, leaving small strands of her blonde hair to curl delicately around her face. Really, it looked magical on her. She was wearing a loose t-shirt that outlined her bump wonderfully, a crystal necklace, a grey cardigan, loose jeans and cat-themed flats. No one had ever looked more adorable.

"Holy.. shit." Was all he said. Looking around Moira's apartment with his mouth agape, taking in all the details of her beautifully styled home. "You have to give me the name of your interior designer. This is amazing!"

Moira blushed, feeling flattered. "Umm.. I am."

"No way." He frowned. "I didn't know you were an interior designer."

"I'm one of the head designers at Starck & Co, actually." She told him, beaming proudly.

"I've never heard of them, but then again, I don't know much about furnishing."

She let out a slight giggle at his brutal honestly, and told him how she'd been working there since she was 22, fresh and straight out of University. She was a full time employee, 5 days a week, from 9 in the morning 'till 7 in the evening. And in the weekends, she usually worked from her home office. Mainly because she wanted to. Some might define her as a workaholic, but Moira simply loved her job. The pay was generous and Mr. Starck -her boss- adored her, treating her like a daughter.

Her only family was her mother, who she visited every Sunday.
Just her mother, since she'd never known her father, and that didn't bother her in the slightest. They'd been a good team: Moira & Emilia King, always trying to enjoy life and make each other laugh. Her mother was and still is a charming woman, loving yet feisty. Her best friend. She'd never get bored around her and even now, 11 years after she moved out of the house she'd grown up in, she still missed Emelia's everyday presence.

Besides her however, she didn't have many loved ones. And she didn't mind, since her job kept her busy. From university, she did have a few friends. But they only saw her once in a while, if they were lucky.

All in all, Moira wasn't much of a people-person, finding them untrustworthy and hypocritical. She preferred being on her own. And could easily entertain herself. Hence why she'd chosen to become pregnant the way she did. Instead of letting it all depend on a guy to step into her life and love her enough to gift her with children.

Trust wasn't something easily given by her, that's why her behaviour towards Harraël seemed so... extraterrestrial. She would rather not talk to people, let alone invite them to her house to watch movies and eat pizza. She liked his presence as well as despised it, he was nice but he could also be a threat to her peaceful life. Nevertheless, she had invited him to her house to watch movies and eat pizza. Willingly, voluntarily.

"You aren't still working, are you?" He asked, worry clear in his voice. It made unexpected butterflies start fluttering in her stomach.

"No, I went with maternity leave three weeks ago."

"Good." He nodded firmly in approval.

She huffed, the butterflies from moments ago vanishing. As if she needed his approval to go with maternity leave.

Annoyance was boiling up inside of her, once again. And she wasn't sure for how long she could keep it at bay this time. Her hormones were playing with her emotions. She felt like crying one half of the time, and like murdering something the other.

"Let's get this party started!" She sputtered, trying to rid herself of her irritations in the old fashioned way, distraction. Ripping the warm pizza boxes from his hold and setting them on top of her coffee table, she flopped down onto the bouncy cushions of her couch.

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