Chapter 1

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There is an example of an assassins clothing. Of course it is in your favorite color. You may also change it up however you like, I just wanted to show you something so you can imagine your own design.

Your POV-

It was pitch black out here. I was on the top of a tree, holding on to some vines so I don't plummet to my death. I look towards the village. The fall festival was up and about. Villagers trading and having fun. Walking on the cobblestone streets and road ways. Enjoying there time. Let's hope it's lasts...

I swing my body onto a branch on a lower tree. I land skillfully with a grunt. My expression remains emotionless, hidden beneath my black scarf. I stay on a path in a crouching position, staring at the village. I pull out my book so I can locate the target. It was a male villager, pale skin, light green eyes, purple and yellow robe. "So the cleric.." I mumble, as I pull out his photo.

I scan the photo and place it back into the book. I better get those five diamonds for this... I sigh as I understand the risk I'm taking. There are many iron golems on patrol. I wait for the perfect moment to find an opening.. I watch patiently... GO! I see my moment and take it right away. I jump from tree to tree, and land onto the ground. I look up to see if anyone seen me. Nope.. I thought to myself.

I stand up slightly. I walk silently.. through the ally way. Many villagers are enjoying food and have likable conversations. They smile with glee as they take there children to play with the small animals. I smile, but shake my head to focus on what I'm doing. I look up, I see that there is a large crack on a wall to my right. I pull out my knife and stab it inside. When I know it is sturdy enough, I climb onto the barrels next to it.

I place my foot on the knife. I quickly pulled myself onto the roof. I turn back and neal grab my knife, then continue my way on the tops of the villages structures. I look around, every villager appears to be enjoying themselves. Except one. "The cleric.." I whispered with a smirk. I watch as he start to wander off in a hurry. An angry expression molded on his face.

I follow and slip into the shadows. You have to be light on your feet, for this sort of thing. I watch as he pushes other villagers out of his way. He then wanders into what looks to be a shop of some sort. I jump from the building I was on. I land in the ally next to the shops side window. I peer inside, I see him talking to a younger looking villager. The cleric looks agitated and hits the young man. The boy lands on a table off potions.

I cringe slightly, but come back to reality. I actually kinda feel bad for the kid... The cleric walks out of the Apothecary in anger. The boy then starts to clean up the broken bottles of potions and other items. I'm going to guess that the cleric is his father... don't worry kid. He will be gone in no time. I thought to myself. Hoping the kid would somehow know.

I watch as the kid glances at the front for then all of a sudden looks up at me with a smirk. I duck as fast as I could, in shock and confusion. I then hear a knock on the widow above me. Knock knock. I stand up and I look him in the eyes. I of course am taller than him, so I'm looking down at him. He opens the window. "He is heading towards the birch forest; with the glowing mushrooms. You better go quick, or you'll lose him."

I stare at him, he sounds so familiar. "You're the kid who sent me the letter to kill him... right?" I ask in a deeper voice. He nods. "I'll pay you extra right now if you hang his head on one of the birch trees." He says with a devilish smirk. I'm taken aback by this, but nod. He then hands me a note that I need to place in his clothing and a bag with Ten Diamonds, a healing potion, and a few cookies.

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