Chapter 2

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[I finally reach and place the arrows into my hands. I slam them into the stone as hard as I could. They slice through the stone and slow my fall. Scrapping my hands in the process as I slide down with the arrow, but it's not enough. I'm almost to the bottom! I thought as hope sparked my chest. Snap. My heart sank as both of the arrows broke. I stare at the sky as I fall. The night sky's stars laughing at my failure. I am a failure. I prepare myself for impact.


3rd Person POV-

It was quite... All that could be heard is the lava seeping past in little pockets of the cavern. Water drips inside of the many passage ways in the cave system, next to the cavern. The sound of foot steps could be heard as Y/N laid unconscious on the stone. Bleeding out due to his wounds.. Blood streaming down his face because of the impact of his head.

The foot steps got closer... and closer... until they were put to a abrupt stop. They shone there torch towards the unconscious body. Griping onto their pickaxe Incase the unknown entity could be a dangerous trick. They walk up towards Y/N. They gasp. "What happened?" They asked in shock as they inspected the body. Noticing the slight shift of his body. "He's still breathing.." They sighed out in relief.

They then lifted up the body; to inspect for further injuries. They stare as there is a large gash on his back. They look behind the male. A large sharp rock behind the body. Must have cut it there... but how? They pondered. They looked up. There was an odd glow at the top of the ravine...

With further inspection they figured it was some sort of metal, possibly a knife shinning because of the moonlight. He must have fallen from there... He could be either stupid or brave... Either way I should at least help him. Or else he will die here... well here we go. They put the pickaxe on their belt. They hoist the male up, swinging him onto their back.

They carry the unconscious male back into the cave system... A torch in hand following the mining path. The torch's bright fire glare shining the way. They made sure no hostile mobs follow... as they make their way deeper into the caves...

Y/N's POV-

It was dark... I felt around me... warmth... I felt soft fur cover me... So comfy...Wait what?!? My eyes shoot open. I stare at the celling above me. It was carved out stone. Oh yeah.. I fell into the cavern... But where am I?? I sat up quickly. Bad idea. I was hit with a flood of pain, I wince with a gasp as I grab my stomach. After a moment I slowly lift my hands and look down to see my hands and wounds covered in bandages.

Who did this? I wondered. They took off most of my clothes.. I'm only in my boxers... Damn. Wait.. Who in the fuck would help me. It's pretty damn obvious I was in assassins gear. Maybe they know and they plan to kill me or something. Fuck. But that makes me wonder... why would they help me... Could just be a trap for me to gain trust... I'm too injured to run. And who knows when they'll be back... I'll just have to wait here for and then deal with them... Lay low for a while, then get the fuck out of here.

I shuffle in my seat and then look down. What the.. Hmmm.. I observe the bandages. It's very well covered... Whoever did this must be very experienced... I look down at what my legs are covered by. Animal fur?.. Wolf?... or possibly Llama... I thought as I felt the texture of the fur. Yeah it's Llama fur.. You can tell by the color variation and the feeling. Very comfortable.. noted. I look back up and around the room.

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