Chapter 4

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[I carefully roll the map back up and tie a (F/C) ribbon around it. Then place it inside its carved wooden case with ancient designs on it. I slide it back into its place in my backpack. I stand up slowly... as to not injure myself further. I place the backpack back onto me and grab onto the sword. I look back up. Taking in all the beauty. I let out a sigh. Guess it's time to head home... and with that. My journey home begins]


Y/N's POV-

Night fall had begun. I decided to set up camp near the edge of a forest. It would take another day or two to get back home... I should really get a horse... or a Llama? Llama's are cuter... but horses are faster. I thought as I place more sticks into a fire. My stomach rumbled, signaling it needed sustenance. Sigh, I should hunt... I look up towards the setting sun. No, it will be dark soon, I will not have enough time. I stood there in thought. A TRAP!

I raise my finger at the thought. I start to search for supplies for a simple rabbit trap. As I gather them I also look for a good spot. The best place to set it up is behind a tree at least ten meters away from my camp.

After I finished up the trap, I stand thinking... I'm going to need bait, but I don't have any carrots... wait! I had seen a few berry bushes from before. I think they are poisonous for humans... well they will work for rabbits. I stand up and walk into the forest in search for the bushes. I found a grouping of some and gathered them, cupping my shirt to carry them. Taking and placing them in the traps center. Hopefully I have something by morning... or I'm going to have to steal or kill something at a near by village...

I head back to my small camping area. My fire is going and by this point the sun had set and you could see shining stars in the sky. I grab my bag and climb up a tree near my fire. It was a pretty warm night so I didn't have to worry about freezing. I sit up on a large birch branch. Placing my bag behind me and grabbing my coat and a rope out of it. I use my bag as a pillow, coat as a blanket, and tie my body around the tree as to not fall in my sleep.
|Hunger game style!|

I yawn as I could feel the nice warmth of the nights air consume me... it was actually pretty nice. I look towards the sky, you could see light hints of soft clouds pacing the nights sky... this is nice... to bad life can't always be like this... so I might as well enjoy it.. I thought as my mind started to send it's self into slumber...


...My eyes slowly open up to the morning sky... birds chirping there loving morning songs, the wind lightly blowing and carrying leaves. The bee's buzzing around the flowers, the sent of a fire burnt out from the long peaceful night. The sweet sound of a trapped animal. WAIT- TRAPPED ANIMAL?! I swiftly turn my head towards the noise. My trap had caught something last night!

I untied myself and jump from the tree; with backpack in hand. I place my backpack down on the stump of the birch tree, while pulling out my dagger. I walk cautiously towards the caged animal.... and to my surprise there were two rabbits inside the trap. I stand there slightly shocked. With further inspection of the two, I found out one was wounded badly on its back leg. While the other seemed fine; yet frightened.

As being the reasonable man I am, I open the traps door and let the healthy one 'escape'. It runs off quickly; yet happily to be free. There is no need to kill another creature when it would be a waste.... I then grab the other rabbit by it's back legs. I look in the trap to see berries smeared, but mostly eaten. I look back at the rabbit. Berries smeared on its grey fur coat.... at least it had a nice meal.... I thought as I place the rabbit on a near by stump.

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