He Saved Me

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Isobel Davis will never forget the night she was snatched into an alley and brutally raped while a knife was pressed against her throat. She will also never forget the boy who saved her. But even though he saved her that night, how can he save her from the nightmares that follow, waking her up in the middle of the night and bringing her to tears.

Robert (Bobby) Slade has always been known as the local badass. Half the teachers at the high school want him suspended indefinitely, and the local police know him by his first name. He has always been bad news. When he saved Isobel that night the smart, beautiful, head-strong girl that he had secretly admired over the years had been torn apart and ripped to pieces, and the girl in her place was just a shell of what she once was. But Bobby will stop at nothing to find that girl that he had once admired, and bring her back.

He will save Isobel, even if it meant saving himself too.....

But with a stranger lurking in the shadows, both those tasks may prove to be more difficult that either of them had expected.....


This book! Ahh, I loved it, I loved every single chapter, and it's been awesome and mind blowing. It is written amazingly, and in detail. This book is completed, so you won't have to be waiting to find out what happens, this book is intriguing because of the events that take place in the book, and to get to know that you got to read it :D The romance and love in this book is AAHH! Blissful, I enjoyed it soo much, but other then romance, serious events takes place, but of course books needs them, and it's worth it. Though some parts are disturbing, because of what happens, but that's just how it is, it is also like that in real life, which also makes this book great, because things like this happens in life too. But other than that, this book is awesome, and you guys have to READ, COMMENT, VOTE and FOLLOW the writer :D

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