My ankles are yelping

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Joe the mailman had a crush on no one because nothing got between him and his mailmanliness. Except wrestling where he dresses up as a tablespoon. A lot of people wonder where he got that name from. Joe was prepared to give Philip a piece of his mailmind. He had enough training as TBSJoe and knew how to use a vacuum. Philip and Pretty Dumb had just cleared out Mary's entire dresser drawer of "winter only khakis" in the front yard and watered them so they could have fresh pants for the fall. Mary was clueless because she was trying to find the dishwasher so she could shower. She was wishing that she had a dusty pair of alfredo noodles. It was late as the last pair of khakis saw their last pair of knees. Joe was waiting patiently with a vacuum in Philips garage. Yeast.

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