Tapping Statues

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It felt like pin-pricks going up his arms. Looking down, there were, indeed, tiny droplets of blood where he felt the stabbing sensation. He'd have to find the spell. And learn blocking charms. But right now he needed to teach his 'puffs how to treat him. He turned to the girl who did it and stared intensely. She scooted back into her friend and her friend pushed her off onto a tray of biscuits which then flew into the air. A complex way of saying all eyes flew to them. She pointed a shaking finger at him.

   "He... he's the Boy Who Died!" Was all she could get out. It was still enough. Though his arms were bloody and she was fine he was always to blame. He couldn't tell who cast the next spell because things seemed awful blurry. He knew he felt like barfing and that boils broke out under his already torn skin, and then someone screamed. From there it was blank.

   'I must have passed out.' He thought, looking at his bright white surroundings. 'How embarrassing. I didn't expect it to escalate so far.' A blurry figure walked up to him.

"Where are my glasses please?" Asked Hadrian.

"They were tramped during dinner. Mister Potter-Black, I'm madam Pomfrey, the school's nurse. The headmaster has requested that you go to his office. The password is 'ice-pops', say it to the golden eagle statue."

"I don't have my glasses, I can't seeshe's gone."

   Stumbling his way through the quiet halls, not able to see much because of both the darkness and lack of glasses (Did I mention he can't see without his glasses?). He, as was inevitable, bumped into a dark figure.

   "Mister Potter-Black. Why are you out past curfew on your own? Your head of house was supposed to take you to the Headmaster's office. Never mind, I'll take you there myself. And ten points from Hufflepuff!" It was Professor Snape. He led Harry through the halls of Hogwarts to the Headmaster's office, then left with a billow of his robes.

The room was large and filled with things Blackie wouldn't even pretend to recognize. Dumbledore himself, was sitting calmly as if nothing had happened. It made Blackie feel self-conscious. His arms were bandaged while the Headmaster wore what appeared to be a very odd bright green robe. And Blackie was sure that the damn Headmaster had glasses! It was beside the point and futile to compare them, Blackie supposed.

   "Hadrian, my boy! How are you feeling?" Began Dumbledore.

"Better, thank you."

"I was going to send Professor Sprout to get you, but she suddenly came down with a stomachache."

"How unfortunate."

   Dumbledore frowned. The boy was keeping his answers short. The boy didn't trust him and he still didn't know why the boy wasn't at Petunia's.  He pressed on for any answer. "Now, we're not blaming you, but I must know. What did you do to that poor girl to make her so upset?"

   "Why do you assume I did anything?" Hadrian sounded calm but he was in no way dismissal of the transgressions in his head. "I am your student as well, and at that point there was blood on my arms. I also lost my glasses, my very ability to see, in that fight. This could severely impact my grades you know. I might take legal action against her... What's her name?"

   Dumbledore looked shook up, and weirdly, relieved. Hadrian wasn't sure what that was about. But Dumbledore conjured a temporary pair of glasses that would last until he could order a new pair, and sent him to bed.

   Hadrian shouldn't have been left alone with his thoughts just then. It was late night on his first day of school but...

['Oh Hell, Oh Hell, just breath Blackie, FUCKING BREATH!' he couldn't stop the panic that overwhelmed him. This was wrong. He shouldn't be there. An elder man towered over the small frame of five-year-old Blackie. The man was shouting at him and his ears hurt. It was so hard to keep the tears in. Bruises littered his body but that wasn't important to him. What mattered was that he couldn't breathe, there wasn't enough air to fill his lungs, and the old man who had held him by his throat moments before was way too angry. He was hyperventilating. Blackie looked around the rusting metal shipping box he was in. The door was somewhat ajar. But the old man was still shouting. He could understand all the curse words that spewed from the man's mouth. How far he had fallen. The only thing that he understood was to breathe. He ran. He ran, feeling faint, but he ran, the ship was rocking, he ran away and big, strong, arms took him away from the box and the man in it but he still wasn't safe because his scar was burning. Why?]


   Alright! This chapter seemed a bit jumpy, but it's a start...? Also, you got a little glimpse of his past. Could anyone understand it? We'll see, and things will become more clear. Next chapter we get more on Snape and a certain defence teacher!

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