Chapter 4: Shade

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Class was rounding up.

I was having my last class of the day which ended by midday. I glanced down at my phone to check the time and it was 11:55 am. I sat in the middle row of the broad lecture hall. My favourite lecturer and probably everyone's in the entire University, Mrs.Sharon Gutierrez, was just entertaining the class in the final minutes. She is a very sweet, supportive and loving lecturer. She treated every student as if they were her own and she was greatly loved for that.

This was my second semester and as expected more school work started to fill up my time. So that left me with less time for crime-fighting and it's not that easy to live a balanced life. I have been this city's hero for the last 2 years, and it has been tough. I have fought all sorts of villains, suffered all kinds of injuries, and have seen many good heroes fall in the frontlines.

Crime was pretty rampant in our city, due to Edeme industries being the centre of attention thereby drawing attention to ourselves. Mayor Marrie Harris, was doing her best with the police task force but it's hard to go up against supers when you are lacking powers.

Most people got their powers either through genetics or during that freak incident that happened 4 years ago. A massive explosion near one of Edeme industries plants that sent out heavy waves of unknown frequencies into the public. They apologized for the incident and since then have really helped the city for good so far.

For people who didn't get powers, they were either suffering from some sort of disease, or they had powers but they were dormant. Mine was the latter, I had developed my powers and with the help of my father, he taught me how to use and control it but at a certain point, he manipulated me.

The sound of students rushing out caught my attention and broke me from my thoughts. "Remember, we will be having practical next week in the laboratory," Mrs Gutierrez said as students were leaving. I picked up my bag, slung it on my shoulder and left the class smiling at Mrs Gutierrez, as she waved at me.

I have told my friends that we should meet in the cafeteria. Essentially, the food court cause this place was huge and it was on the fifth floor. Me being my lazy self on the first floor entered the elevator to go up. As I walked into the elevator it was big enough for at least 10 people, I was the only one to enter. As I pressed for the fifth floor and the elevator doors were closing a girl was running to the elevator begging me to hold it. I put my hand in through the gap of the elevator doors and held it for her.

"Thank you so much, I really need to get to the tenth floor," she said out of breath, "sure no problem glad I could help" giving her a smile. She has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, wearing a casual outfit, with her backpack. I Helped her press the tenth floor and the elevator started moving up. The ride up was a silent one, once I got to my stop and walked out she held my arm and I felt her give off negative energy.

I looked at her and she said "wake up Henry, wake up to your full potential" repeating the words of my Father in my dream. Her eyes flashed purple lightning if not for my powers I wouldn't have noticed them. I removed my arm from her and backed away slowly. As the doors were shutting she smiled at me and said: " we will be watching."

There were a few people in the hallway not many paying attention to me, cause most of them were in their discussions with their groups. I immediately felt something was wrong, my lightning came out of my hands involuntarily and was wriggling all around it.

I rushed to one of the bathrooms and thankfully no one was in it, I had not lost control of my powers in a long time. The last time I had lost control I was fifteen years old, after the explosion had occurred. I got to the sink dropping my bag in front of the mirror and began to stare at my hands. "What is happening to me," I said out loud " why is this happening". The current in my hands growing stronger and brighter.

I knew what I had to do if I wanted to get rid of this excess energy I had to blow up. Basically create an E.M.P(Electromagnetic pulse) it would counteract my excess energy but will render the University with no light. Luckily they have backup generators so it's fine.

I took a deep breath then began harnessing my electricity, building it up within me. My eyes started glowing blue. The bathroom lights began to flicker, the energy in me started to surround my body, and then I released it. At the same time, I had to make sure I didn't release it all otherwise I would lose my powers.

The E.M.P I created knocked out all the lights, as predicted, in the entire University. I stood in the darkness with my head down and I looked to the mirror to see my left eye glowing blue and my right glowing red. I had negative energy within me because of my father and it looks like it's breaking from its cage.

Negative energy is virtually your emotions, anger, hate, lust, greed, resentment and all the emotions that cause you to think negatively. I admit it gives you more power and destruction, but it can get out of hand and you can lose a loved one like I did, so every day I try to keep it away but it's been getting stronger recently. I know my dream had something to do with it. Just can't seem to figure it out, maybe I should tell Thea and Wyatt they are the only ones who could help me.

Finally, the lights came on and thoughts in my mind came on as well. Who was that girl? Why did she do this to me? Why was she giving off negative energy? A million thoughts came to my mind, that I will battle later. Right now I just want to get food in peace. So I took a deep breath, let the lightning in my eyes disappear and I stepped out of the bathroom. I noticed that people were laughing at me, someone then motioned to my hair. I realized that it was full-blown spikey and I looked like Albert Einstein that had his hair done by a leaf blower. I entered the bathroom again and just sighed at the drawbacks of electricity sometimes.

A/N: Firstly I want to thank you all for getting my book to a hundred views (WOOOOOO LETS POP CHAMPAGNE 🍻 *relaxes*means a lot😇. Please do follow me to keep up with updates and any other announcement I have. So because of this, I plan to drop chapter 5 within the next few days. My schedule for publishing will get fixed soon but for now, I estimate every Thursday and Sunday. So how is the book going I wanna hear your response👂! Trust me things only get crazier from here😏. As always drop Comment, 💫, and share. Thanks again!! #theconductors😂

P.S: Do you want me to increase the length of the chapters? Let me know please thanks!


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