Chapter 6: Strong Winds

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"You try to fight crime, we fight harder. You come at us, we come at you. It's a battle of endurance and we are tougher." ~Stone Cold

My eyes were still closed.

I could still breathe, I am not in any pain at all just really confused on what is happening.

"Stop being a big baby and open your eyes," Thea says, giggling at my behaviour.

I open my eyes and I see her standing in front of me. Then I see a virtual map at the top right corner of my vision, as well as a setting pop up at the bottom left. I am very confused on what is going on, then I look down at my body and just become star-struck.

I am in an all-white spandex, that is skin-tight yet extremely breathable. A bright blue lightning symbol engraved on my chest, starting from my left shoulder making its way down to near my right hip. My arms and legs enclosed in the spandex. I touch my face and feel a mask that reaches to my lower cheek, grazing above my lip.

"Uh baby a little explanation, " I say, waiting for her response.

She is looking flabbergasted, and her eyes showing a hint of desire, she bites her lip while checking me out. She then realises that she is staring so she coughs and comes back to reality.

"Remember that project I was working on? That is creating a way to compress our super suits, instead of hauling them around in our bags. Well, I just perfected yours, and it is looking really good," She says, smirking in the process.

I remain quiet shocked from this girl's intelligence, she has been working on this project since last year. To be able to integrate human and machine capabilities, and she finally did it. We thought about this project when we went out on a date once. I helped her design the features. I had no idea she would actually manufacture it.

"So you are currently wearing Adaptive Suite Modulator version 1.0, also known as A.S.M," she says.

"This suit is built-in with all you can imagine; Vitals monitor, police reports, defence mechanisms, as well as offence, scanners, radio channels, navigation,  voice modulator and your very own personal assistant that can help discover all the other features," she adds.

"Say the word 'Strike' to access it," she says,

"Strike?" I say uncertain.

"Hello Sir Henry, My name is Automated Logistics Interface for Calculating Everything. You may call me A.L.I.C.E." 

"Well hello there Alice-wait how do you know who I am? Let me guess you have my data in your system?" I ask.

"Yes sir and not just yours alone. Every single person in the entire city. ," Alice says.

"Wow, that's incredible! I am very impressed," I say. This will really come in handy now I can easily identify criminals and their background. It's weird Alice sounds so human and less robot.

"Alright Alice, I will call you back when I need you. ," I say.

"Yes sir always here if you need me.," she says.

I partially know how to use this suit because Thea and I discussed all these features before. Thea has to be the smartest person I have ever met. She is helping the world both as Enhance and Thea Michael's, changing the world one step at a time. She is currently creating technology for Edeme industries, so she is slowly getting recognition.

"Thea you are a wonder," I say, just staring deep into her eyes and moving a step closer to her.

"Couldn't have done it without your help?" she says, moving in closer to me.

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