Chapter 17: Double Vision

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"Think you are two steps ahead of me? Well, guess what? I designed the staircase."~ Ronan


Students run off in all directions,  teachers try to usher students out by yelling at them to keep calm, but of course, no one listens. In the midst of the total chaos another object, or person, comes crushing into the guy in the red super suit. 

Technicality comes in wielding a digital sword that looks as if it was pulled out of a game. His opponent, who he crashed into, rises up to his feet and stares him down. 

Technicality then rushes him with the sword, but he merely holds it and breaks it in his hand. He then punches technicality across the hallway and comes zooming over Wyatt and I.

Then out of nowhere another explosion rattles the building. I really hope they have insurance for all these explosions. I see Hammer time wall out from the explosion.

"Ay! Were the party!" He shouts, while fluffing his jacket a bit more. 

"I thought I told you to hang back," The red-suited man says

"You need to chill, Ronan. I want in on all the fun!" 

Great at least now we know his name is Ronan, but what good is that for us at this point. I turn back to look for Wyatt, but he pulls a batman on me and disappears to change. I think I will leave this one up to him this time, I can't always be the one at every scene, it gets too tiring.

At that moment Nancy comes running into the hallway, talk about horrible timing Nancy. 

"Henry, what is going on-" she didn't get to finish, then in a blink of an eye, the villain Ronan is holding her by her side. I didn't see him pass by me how is he so fast?

"Let me go, you weirdo! I will make sure that you won't see daylight ever again! Do you know who you are messing with? I am Nancy-"

"Shut up!" Ronan barks out, his voice echoes along the empty hallway.

Technicality finally steps back into the ring to deal with them, as well as Rhino who smashes through the hallway behind them. I give him that was that necessary look and he shrugs. 

"Alright, let the girl go she has nothing to do with this!" Technicality starts, his voice soft yet laced with a hint of aggression. 

I use this point of distraction and back away from the scene slow but still manage to be with earshot of what they are saying.

"On the contrary, we don't gotta tell you that we are stalling for time while the real issue is-" Hammer time begins, then Ronan immediately lets Nancy go and punches Hammer time out of the building. 

"That guy talks too much," Ronan says. And I think that's a statement for all of us, both heroes and villains can come to agree on.

He shakes his hand loose as if it was in shackle and then stretches his neck, preparing for the showdown that's about to begin.

  The air draws out a deafening silence. No one blinks. No one moves. Nancy's racing heart could probably be heard at this point. 

Technicality creates two digital swords and swings them around flaunting them. Rhino gives a low growl, while Nancy tries to back away silently from Ronan. Ronan unmoving, focusing on Technicality and not even batting an eye to Rhino or Nancy.

Ronan, with lightning-fast speed, closes the gap between him and Technicality, punching him square in the jaw causing him to launch towards the lockers.

Rhino charges down the hallway towards him to body check him but he merely dodges out of the way, causing Rhino to collide into the wall.

Technicality gets back up and swings the blade in his direction, but once again Ronan snaps it in halves then counter-attacks by punching him in the stomach.

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