Chapter 97

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For this stone house, Bai Qingqing is most satisfied that there are two rooms for her to take a bath. Parker is in the bedroom, she is washing in the main room, Parker is in the main room, she will carry the water to the bedroom.

As for Parker's peeping in the dark occasionally, Bai Qingqing always ignores her habit. Anyway, she has her back to the bedroom door.

But today, there is a Curtis in the bedroom, and Parker is cunningly staying in the main room.

Bai Qingqing did not dare to say Curtis, so she had to start with Parker: "I want to take a bath, you go in."

Parker said, "I don't want to be in a room with a snake beast. We'll sleep in this room today."

Bai Qingqing has no choice but to wash her back to Parker. There is a "Susu" friction sound nearby.

As soon as she heard it, she knew it was Curtis's body rubbing against the ground.

Sure enough, the next second is Parker's scream.

"Ouch ~"

Parker fell into the bedroom. Curtis, a half animal, stood at the door and said to Bai Qingqing, "wash it."

Bai Qingqing: "..." But you're still here. What's the difference?

Well, there's still a difference. Curtis has studied her body all the time, but she won't peek.

So Bai Qingqing took off his clothes three or two times and washed them.

Curtis bowed his head and continued to sew the fur skirt. The fur of the fur skirt was a little thick, which cost a lot of hair. In order to save some hair, he sewed it very slowly.

Now there is a leopard competing with him for females. His animal type is not as good as that of leopard. He must protect his advantage of human form. This pure red long hair should be the most attractive to females.

Parker was forced into the bedroom, gnashing his teeth in anger, but he couldn't beat it. He took out the clean cotton from the box and pulled the growing pieces carefully.

"Hiss ~" Curtis suddenly spits out the letter, looks up to Bai Qingqing, and comes to her.

"Are you hurt?" Curtis nervously looked up and down at the smooth white green.

Bai Qingqing stooped and his hand holding the towel was frozen in the air. He didn't know whether to protect his chest or continue washing.

"You What's the matter? "

Curtis vomited again, and his eyes moved to Bai Qingqing's clothes aside. A piece of blood on cotton in his clothes gave Curtis the answer.

Curtis's eyes filled with ecstasy and excitedly grasped Bai Qingqing's shoulders: "have you got a feeling?"

Bai Qingqing was forced to face Curtis, and a pair of big white rabbits jumped briskly on her chest. She could not help but block her arms on her chest, and her face began to heat up: "that's right."

"She has your child!" Parker suddenly came into the main room: "but it's gone."

"Children?" Curtis tilted his head in disbelief.

Bai Qingqing's body is frozen. He comes in Why do you say this when she takes a bath? I am embarrassed.

Curtis saw the expression of Bai Qingqing's eyes, and immediately understood it. He smiled on his face, and his cold fingers nodded on Bai Qingqing's nose: "you are so smart."

The light in the room was too dark for Bai Qingqing to see Curtis's expression, but he could feel his happiness.

He's glad he kept his marriage secret.

"You're not angry? We let her get rid of your child. " Puckery said.

"I don't care Anyway, we will have it soon. " Curtis raised his chin and said softly, "is that right?"

Bai Qingqing smiles: "ha ha..."

Parker blew up his hair and growled, "it's my turn next!"

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