Chapter 179

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Parker desperately moved his limbs, and even Bart of the Striped beast couldn't catch up in the rush. But the intense exercise made his blood flow fast and his heart beat strong and fast.

The leopard closed its bloody mouth and a small amount of white foam came out of its mouth and nose. The plants in front of us are fast approaching and retreating. With the new scenery, the gate of beast city will not appear.

His vision blurred and his brain began to lose consciousness.

The head is so heavy. I can't do it. I have to stop. If I run like this, he will surely die.

The leopard's speed has slowed down unconsciously, and the black wolf gradually approaches. When he is about to catch up, he speeds up again and pounces on it with a "whoop".

At that time, the leopard, regarded as prey, jumped up and lay on the trunk of a towering tree.

The black wolf pours into the air, turns around and climbs up the tree.

The leopard is tired. Its sharp fingernails fasten the thick trunk of the wall and climb up step by step. Although it is slow, it is efficient. And this posture makes it easier for the blood in its head to flow into the body, and the brain wakes up a lot.

"Ouch!" The black wolf jumped up and did not hook the leopard, so he had to turn into a human again.

But this tree is too thick for more than ten people to embrace. Without sharp and strong toenails, it is impossible to climb it without hands.

Bud raised his head. On the turquoise trunk, the leopard climbed higher and higher. Several hairy roots fell from the tree and swayed with the wind.

Bart's eyes brightened suddenly, and a sneer came from the corner of his mouth.



Only then did the tigers come and surround Bart, one by one, standing upright and becoming human.

"What now?" Asked a tiger man.

Bart looked around, picked up a thick vine and pulled it up. Tiger men immediately understand, looking at the tree is slowly climbing the leopard, eyes with pity.

Bart swung the cane, threw it high, and accurately caught the leopard's neck, and forced it down.

"Ouch!" The leopard ran in the air for several times and fell to the ground with a "bang", spitting out blood immediately and twitching its limbs.

Tiger men suddenly changed back to animal shape, excited and shouting to encircle the leopard: "roar!"

"Oh." With a smile, Bart swung the vines over a long horizontal branch, grasped the vines again, and lifted the leopard.

Parker woke up from the agony of the loss of consciousness, his head was nimble to get rid of the vines, fell to the ground and spit blood again, struggling to stand up.

The tigers and beasts surrounded the leopard. They looked slightly different, but their eyes were shining with the same excited light.

Parker had a splitting headache and jerked his head to make himself more conscious.

Bart walked into the tiger circle as a winner and sneered: "this is what you asked for. We were just here to catch boars for Rosa, but we didn't expect to see you go crazy here and kill you to please Rosa."

Parker slowly turned around. The tigers thought he was going to die. They didn't seal his way out. If he's in his prime, he'll be able to get out.

But his body is not right now. I don't know why his head hurts so much. It didn't before.

Parker found that the exit didn't stop turning. After another turn, he stopped at the 90 degree position of the gap, and his eyes shone with a decisive light.

He must go back alive. He hasn't made a match with Qingqing yet!

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