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Sigh staying home is no fun anymore....anywho here's another chapter! Hope y'all enjoy!!!

Dont own hp!


                   Harry's pov

It's been awhile since I came out of the cave. Maybe about 3 to 5 days. I mean I can go longer without eating... I just don't want to see that man again.

He was scary

But I am getting hungry though. Maybe if I come out they'll let me eat...

I poke my head out from the cave. Reji was just walking by and he stopped.

He turned quickly to me like he could feel I was looking at him.

My eyes widen and I squeak and duck back into the cave.

After a couple of minutes I look out again. He was still there and had a small smile on his face.

I slowly swim over to him, I look around for that man but I dont see him anywhere. I relax and I give reji a smile.

                    Rejis pov

It's been almost a week since Harry's come out of his room and the poor thing hasn't eaten anything since then.

I scolded Lucius and I've ignored him this whole week to.

I was walking by Harry's tank when I see his head pop out from the cave.

I stop and quickly turn my head to him. His eyes widen and he ducks back into the cave. I wait for a couple of minutes.

he pops his head back out and I smile at him.

He slowly makes his way to me and looks around. He finally relaxes and gives me a smile.

I point up and someone drops in some fish.

He shoots up to get them. We drop some more in there because he hasn't eaten in a week.

I walk over to my desk and get my bored.

'Hello harry'  I write to him.

He waves to me and smiles

'Ok harry I'm going to show you how to change back into your human form' he nods at me.

I point up and he swims up. I make my way up to the top of the tank and Harry's there sitting on the ledge we have for him.

" ok harry close your eyes and think of yourself with legs"

He closes his eyes and we see a flash of green before we see harry with legs.

" that's good harry! Here are some clothes for you" I hand him some clothes and he puts them on.

" thanks reji" he whispers.

His voice was soft and shy and it was adorable. 

" okay harry follow me and I'll get you settled into your new room."

He nods and we walk to his room. I open the door, his eyes widen, he looks so happy it brakes my heart.

When we found him he was I  terrible shape. We all could count his rids, all he was was skin and bones!

" this is for me?" He asks me and he looks like hes about to cry.

I nod to him. He laughs and jumps around the room. After awhile he calms down. He turns to me with the biggest smile. He runs at me and hugs the daylights out of me.

" thank you!" I smile at him
" your welcome dear now get some rest you have a big day tomorrow" he slightly frowns but nods anyways.

" night reji" he whispers

" goodnight harry see you  in the morning"

He gets into bed while I got out and shit the door behind me.

I sigh and shake my head.

Hes been through so much already, now hes going to have to go through so much more.

I walk to my room get dressed for bed and go to sleep.

We both have a long day tomorrow.

Heeyyy welp there's another chapter! Good lord I need to have a better updating schedule!

Anywho thanks for ready! I really hoped you enjoyed and please dont be scarred to comment about anything!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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