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This is a republish of the chapter, for some reason when I logged in today the chapter was gone. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. I haven't changed anything from the first published chapter, it's still the same.


Light filled the room coaxing Michelle to full awakeness. She slowly peeled her eyes open. Her body too warm as she tried to scoot away from the source of the heat, but arms were firmly wrapped around her waist holding her close against a body.

She gingerly turned and faced Taehyung. He was still fast asleep, she took the opportunity to study him. To look at him properly, God was he beautiful. He looked relaxed in his sleep. His pouty lips were parted slightly, his silky blue hair was a mess.

Michelle flushed as the memory of last night played in her mind. She was tempted to reach out and touch him, to trace her fingers over those perfect lips and nose. But she couldn't bring herself to wake him up, like a sleeping child he looked adorable as he slept. She propped herself on one elbow resting her head on the palm of her hand and just stared. Her eyes landed on the dragon mark.

Her mind wandered to the other six. How did she end up with seven mates? Was that even possible? Though she had known about them since long ago, it didn't occur to her until now. Through all her studies and her mother's discoveries, she had not once come across a human or fated one that had more than two dragon mates at once. It was physically impossible, maybe mentally as well. The human body was not strong enough to contain such power. Though a fated one's body is much stronger than that of a normal human, they are still human until they give birth to a dragon.

The blue dragon was undoubtedly the most powerful of the five known dragons. A human body can only contain a certain quantity of dragon energy. Exceeding that limit meant death, literal explosion into pieces. Yet here she was, still intact. Having to contain this much energy was beyond her scope of knowledge and quite impossible. Michelle sighed and decided to dwell on that later. She was surely going to probe for more information from the dragons. Maybe they had a concrete theory about all this.

Laying back down on the bed Michelle traced the tips of her fingers over Taehyung's dragon mark. He stirred, adorably peeling one of his eyes open and groaned lowly shifting his body into a more comfortable position. Michelle stopped and peered up at him.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Taehyung smiled pulling her into his arms and nuzzling her neck.

"No," his voice groggy from sleep. "I love your touch... it's soothing." He felt her blush than saw it. "You okay?" Michelle nodded feeling utterly mortified for an unknown reason. Taehyung chuckled and she liked how the rumbling sound in his chest resonated against her skin eliciting goosebumps.

Taehyung's lips latched onto a spot on her neck sucking hard. Michelle released a low moan as his lips moved from her neck to her jaw and then connecting their lips. He moved so he was atop her not breaking the kiss, his body slightly pressing down on her. Taehyung pulled away after a while staring intently into her eyes a frown forming on his face.

"Do you still hate us?" He asked suddenly. Michelle looked at him in confusion. "My ability doesn't just include healing... I'm also psychometric, I can obtain information about a person or an object just by touch." He clarified.

"I can learn about a living being's general life history, memories like images, sounds and sometimes smell; but I can't gain anything of what they were thinking or feeling like Yoongi does. Even without me being able to perceive what you were feeling or thinking at that time I could still see the hate." Michelle slowly blinked and averted her eyes from him.

FATED TO SEVEN DRAGONSWhere stories live. Discover now