2. even the little things can be special

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Don't Forget

Trigger Warning: this chapter includes Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder

Please read with care.


Taeyong squealed and hid behind Donghyuck once he witnessed that those eyes had ripped open, he used his brother as a shield, even when he was older and theoretically stronger than Donghyuck; he still was a scaredy-cat, in a more literal sense. It was essentially the feline side of himself reacting with such fear to the foreign person who was seen as a threat in his mind, like how the cucumbers looked exactly like snakes!

He remembered when a sneaky five-year-old Donghyuck placed a cucumber beside him while he slept, he woke up in absolute terror and cried for several hours, hiding in the nearby cupboard.


Those eyes that opened were a deep brown, the whites were a pinkish colour; however mostly empty from displaying any type of emotion.

"Taeyong, calm down!" Donghyuck spun around on his knee's and faced his brother with annoyance trickled in his voice, he was sick and tired of Taeyong jumping and scattering around constantly like a real nuisance, even if it was those instincts making him react that way. Little did the youngest brother know, the stranger in this room was wide awake and looking around the room until his firm eyes latched onto Taeyong's - his face extremely unreadable. "The man is not alive, he cannot just rise up from the dead!"

He spoke too soon...

This male who had 'rose up from the dead' actually had no recollection of the past memories in his mind - actually, just memories in general. His brain must have hit the ground so hard that amnesia washed over him, however severe it seemed to be. Or perhaps his memories were so traumatic for him, that his brain decided to chuck out everything out for a while so he could cope. But, he still was able to walk, talk and write. All of his abilities and basic knowledge was still there, he just could not pinpoint how he knew this information.

The first thing the stranger said was: "What is this?" his brief discourse was directed primarily towards the cat-man, who seemed to be the first person to fill up the empty void in his memory. 

His voice came out extremely hoarse and sore like he had caught a rough cold. Just that alone had confused the man even more, so he began rubbing his throat to perhaps soothe the pain. He had no idea why this body part of his hurt so much, as well as his lower abdomen and arm.

Now both Taeyong and Donghyuck were squealing, scrambling away from this foreigner in absolute fear.


The foreigner sat upwards and tilted his head in question, absolutely clueless in the worst way possible.

Half of himself was wondering why these two people were so afraid, and the other half just wanted immediate answers. "Pain..." He muttered, looking down at his abdomen and the massive purple and yellow bruise there. He poked it. "Pain?" He continued looking at Taeyong as if he knew the answer to his question. "Why do I hurt?" He asked. "Why am I here? Why am I not... What?" Like a baby bird, the man thought the first person he looked at was the reason for his existence, Lee Taeyong.

The cat grimaced. "I do not know the answers. Who... who are you?"

Who am I?

Before he had regained consciousness, he was confined in a place of obscurity, it was cold and desolate; nobody but he himself was there, he could not speak or cry out for help, nor could he move. He could only see the darkness surrounding him. Although the description of this place inside of his brain was mostly negative, he, whilst there, felt relaxed and at peace. There was no more pain or suffering, no more judgement, he felt free for once. It almost did indeed feel as though he had died. He never thought it would be like that. If it was not death, then what else could it have been? His inner mind?

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