Chapter 8

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Read as Ebube takes a wrong and risky step
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"I just don't get it, I don't know what to say to this Sammie and you are certain you didn't bring up an act that incurred his wrath and got him annoyed? " Tinuke asked, her right wrist on her hip, she had slight makeup on and her red lipstick was nearly washed off her lip as she munched on the chips which quietly laze on a plate on the living room glass table.

"Tinuke, can I lie to you?Trust me when I say this, I've been faithful and dutiful. I've done everything, I even plead, Tinuke I plead! Chris has been so obstinate, rash and annoying too, can you believe he now sleeps in the guest room! And sometimes he leaves his food, untouched. " blared Samantha Benson with her head buried in her palms.

"Married couples and palava sha!Will I get married bayii? being a spinster is been great too, I really can't cope if Stephen act this way,I don't think I can tolerate this. " Tinuke point out, munching on her chips.

"Dear, maybe it's time we put an end to fantasies. Men are cruel I guess, remember those heydays Chris won't stop requesting we both go out for lunch and dinner. The seminars and symposiums we both went to. Those days were great, Tinuke if wishes were horse, I wanna ride on it till my wishes become realities, " complained Samantha, blowing off her nose with a white handkerchief.

"Sammie, you've to pull yourself together, brace yourself up and let's face RITEL, they are helpless people out there we need to render help to, your blogs and medias need you so stop recalling on these days.Yeah I know, you were head over heels in love with him. Those heydays at college when you did everything to captivate his attention and now he's yours, Sammie you've got to be patient, nothing but patience is needed in this situation. " Tinuke advised, her hands on Samantha's shoulder as she gazed at her sympathetically. Samantha was a shadow of herself, she being her close friend could feel this. It was unusual of her but when situations call for this, what could be done? .


With their flowing agbada, rolled up to keep it from subjecting itself to the tiled floor. Minister Wole Shina and Chief Aberuagba Paul sat, two bottles of wine on a short table with glass cups placed on the table.

The large TV stationed at a corner in the club room was showcasing semi-naked ladies moving to and fro and some were dancing wildly to the jamz coming from the music videos.The glint and spark in their eyes was more bright than the club's light bulb itself. They belched surreptitiously, with their gaze directed at the TV. At a time, they both laughed as their discussed like lovebirds having a tete-a-tete.

"Ore, check out this girl in red jumpers, she looks exactly lo ruko omo yen ohh... Yeah.. Yemiks!You remember her ehn? " questioned Wole Shina as he munched on his asun.

"Yemiks!omo re bi iyan, girl that's blessed with curves that drives men crazy. When I'm still in my right senses, how will I forget yemiks? " answered Aberu agba Paul with tribal marks on his face, resembling the whiskers of a cat.

"Tunde Philips has took her away!Man yen sha, always grabbing good fish to himself. She's now at Washington DC, omo n jaye ori e lo niyen. But we sef òré we did use that girl to our satisfaction. Till now no lady can be compared to yemiks. " Wole Shina insisted, his face beaming with smiles.

"You speak well, my friend Yemiks is great, her figure 8 itself is enticing on its own, " agreed Chief Aberuagba Paul.

Beckoning unto a short, plump woman Minister Wole Shina sat, his hands on his agbada as he rolled it over his shoulders.The woman comes forward, she had a short knicker and armless top on, she smiled and gesticulated, gesturing and praising the two with slangs and songs.

"Madam Kaffy!You and money ehn. The two of you are inseparable. " Wole Shina said.
"Ahh!My Minister, My Chief, When I see you, I see money. Mere seeing you makes my day great, even the sales jubilate at your presence. ".

"You see this woman, her mouth can kill"Chief Aberuagba Paul laughed .

"Sha get us more asun, we've got to enjoy this life ohh, and those girls, you've got them arranged right? " Minister Wole Shina questioned, his questions directed to Madam Kaffy.
"Of course, don't you trust me, this is my call ohhh. I waste no time at it, time is precious. ".
"Time is indeed precious, " chorused the two as they all laughed like one witnessing a clown's performance.

In his brown top and khaki trousers Ebube shivered with fear as he stood, his head bowed down low. He was in an uncompleted building and on its surface Jasper sat as he look Ebube over nodding and smiling recognizing the fact that he was the one making someone shiver, this was what he love. When his audacity, lordship and authority is being respected and recognized.They have once called Ebube though and he declined their offer, he has always kept it in mind that Ebube would come back. He could see the eagerness in his eyes when the bundle of money was being showed to him. And now, he came with none of their effort. He was not being dragged to them neither was he called back yet he came.

With his grips on his cigarette and his other hand on his alcoholic gin, he stood a long mark on his neck which he had suffered from a deal he once bargained in which he nearly lost his life. He could talk about this incident all day and night. On his right hand side two other guys sat, playing Whott putting down cash near the table on which they had these Whott cards placed.

"So, you said you want to enjoy life too ehn? " asked Jasper.

"Yes sir, suffering is a daily routine for me, I realized I have to reject and say goodbye to it some day, " Ebube nodded.

"And this day is the someday Ebube. "
"I'll be glad if you accept me Sir. I'm sorry for my reaction towards you the other day. ".

"It's no big deal! You just have to cooperate with us and dedicate your time and handiwork to this.We are no crooks or quacks in this business. We rub minds with big men, we work on big contracts and deals,we recieve big cash too. ".

"I'm aware Sir, Sola told me, "

"Sola is not Sola over here,He's Spider. "Jasper laughed.

"Spider?Okay Sir," Ebube muttered.

"And you, we will nominate and sort out what name we call you. "

"Your wish is my command Sir, "

"We need sharpness, action and boldness. I'm sure I can trust you on that, "
"I'll learn Sir, "

"I love that! Practice makes perfection, you leave any other job you have at hand and come here daily so we rub minds together when we've got deals! Understood? "

"Yes Sir,I will. "

Jasper beckoned unto the two sitted at the farther end as they unravelled some contents in a khaki bag.
Ebube nearly fell when he saw the black weapon that had itself encircled with fear and rage
"Gun,A gun! " he stammered.


Ki lo ruko omo yen-what's the name of the lady
Omo re bi iyan-That good child
Omo n jaye ori e niyen-the lady is enjoying life to her satisfaction already

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