Chapter 10

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       Samantha Benson chuckled, a bright glint in her eyes.There was no doubt she has gotten over her "Chris hurdles" or at this time, mirth could stay since Chris was not there. Settling down the blue couch pillow she had on her thigh, she playingly touched his nose as she laughed again. Tobi Bernard sat and like a clown he made faces at her which made her laugh more.To
her, it was crazy but therapeutic at least she was feeling great! Being with someone for two weeks and feeling like it has been years she knew this guy!

            "And you just had to leave her there! Tobs, you are bad, " said Samantha

        "Of course Sammie, what do you expect, the girl is too full of herself. If I no leave her ehn! I would be disgraced publicly, I just had to go... I detest public disgrace..disgrace is disgrace ef! I detest disgrace itself. " Tobi Bernard persisted, sharing his ordeal.

      "You're too funny! Disgrace is disgrace indeed, so what did the bar attendant do? "

        "He only rendered his services and left, she nearly slapped him, when he kept mute and uttered nothing, I guess the poor guy doesn't want his salary decreased, you sabi these restaurant and hotel management peeps jhurr. "

          " Yes ohh! I know of it, one of my workers once worked as a bar attendant he can write out a story on the treatment he received,our ears nearly bled when he couldn't stop telling of his ordeals during those times. "

        "Life is hard babe, some have suffered before getting to the top, do you know she later called to plead. "

       "She did! Let's agree she later became sane, she wasn't in her elements before." cited Samantha as the two both laughed, silence invaded the room as they gaze cursorily at each other. Then at a time the silence yoke was broken, words and laughter followed this again.


         In his black tuxedo and grey trousers and a black sunshade resting on his face, Chris Benson stood, conversing with the production manager. They were at a film location, the set were done and the film shoot was already sorted out. There was a sense of pride as they all beam. It was certain the completed task was a great performance.The make up and cosmetics artists were already clearing up their kits as the set and crew staggered with their equipments covering half of their faces as they moved on to the bus which will accompany their equipments as guests. He fed the production manager with more words as a lady approached him, she had a yellow-colored and resplendent dress on,tall in height and still in long shoes, she beamed as she stood and a dimple revealed its appearance on her cheek, there was no doubt that she was one of the actresses and she is beautiful! She hugged Chris Benson and they both rendered pleasantries and stared at each other before a gaggle of words ensued between the two.

      "Chris you are great! Heard of how the contract with the Whites turned out and the award you received,it's huge... You are a lucky man, darling. " she said, beaming.

       "Thanks Lola, I'm lucky indeed, I envisage receiving more contracts like that,it's a great opportunity and I'm glad you didn't turn out my offer of being among the cast too. "
         "I can't reject such opportunity, I didn't even have any important stuff at hand at that time, I had to just hop in when you told me, "

       " And I still appreciate your hopping in."

they both laughed.

"Hopping in, indeed. "

     "Hope you have nothing much doing for now, so I can take you out for lunch, I could arrange a dinner another day though."

        " I don't and I'm excited! Lunch with you worths  millions of naira."
         "Lola, you won't stop making me laugh. " he laughed.
       "I'm thinking of enrolling for a clown performance sef. "

        "You should go for it, you will do well.

        "That was a joke on you! Acting is mine and nothing else ohh. " she blared , laughing as she said this.

        "And you both are inseparable, well-connected and helping to each other. It's yours baby and great height is yours. " he said ushering her to his car as they both  got in and drove off.



         "Ebube are you now involving yourself in bet naija or any other betting game? " Mrs Williams requested as she stared curiously at the money in her hands, it was raining outside and the loud thump of the rain gushing out, pouring its  outflow on house roofs and buckets could be heard. Amidst this, Mrs Williams voice still echoed, Nonso could nearly laugh out her heart when she asked Esohe to list types of water on a certain afternoon, the young girl did mention  rainwater first. It was normal and not shocking though, you speak well of what you know most they say.

          Ebube stood, appalled at these questions as he was being confronted with. This was money! the only difficult to be discovered treasure they have always craved for and now all he could receive were questions, gaggle of questions!

        He felt intimidated by the physique of her mother and her bosom which was right at his face, he felt more intimated by these questions, he roamed his eyes over his mother's gait,wondering what he was to say and what his answers would be to these questions.

        "Mama, Sola invited me over to a
  to a bricklaying business, That's where I've been going for weeks, sorry I didn't tell you, I just don't know what to expect from you, you might object to it but I needed the job for we need money. " he rattled off hoping to convince his mother with this.

"Ahh!Ebube, you should've talked to me about this, a bricklaying job is arduous and herculean-like, it's not easy at all, but with this there's much for expenses to cover....Ndo my son, things will get better, just persevere and be patient, don't participate in any shady business or act. " Mrs Williams advised, wondering if this bricklaying business could provide the money she had in her hands at the moment. Well, he said he's been there for weeks.

           Nonso and Esohe stood at a distance, watching how mother confronted son and son didn't give in but instead listened quietly and gave his reply. Regress stepped in as they remembered how their father once engaged in a betting game, how their mother wailed and held his T-shirt to show her annoyance.The worries on their father's face as he tried to calm his yelling wife down couldn't be forgotten too. It's been ages and this still lies somewhere in their hearts.

       They all directed their gaze towards their wooden door as they heard a "knock". It was their church pastor, a tall light-skinned man in a white shirt and black trousers as he held his Bible across his armpits, he rendered pleasantries and sat, declining the water being given to him. Ebube greeted and left, grievance on his face. Nonso understood this! It was Ebube, he wasn't an heathen nor an unbeliever but his words were If he really want us to believe there is hope in the future or there's really someone who cares for us and sits up there to protect us, why do we have to suffer disgrace and lack, why should dearth dwell with us. Why should we owe rent? Why should Papa be dead? Why did Papa suffered and not enjoyed life even before he died? Why do I have to become a conductor to make ends meet, if there's hope tomorrow, why should the  present not be bright to bring in a promising future too.

     These were his words, they do understand so well, all they could always do was to keep mute and utter nothing, wondering if his words weren't true. This never changed their belief.

"Tomorrow will always be better, the future is bright even if the present is gloomy. " they say.


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