Crying clown girl

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    Makayla then looked at herself again she looked like the people her daddy called monsters. She then hit the mirror with her mallet and jumped onto her makeshift bed she napped in between shows. She looked around it till she found the stuffed bunny her mother made her. She slowly cuddled to the purple bunny with a pink tummy and a blue patch around it's left button eye.

Time skip~

    Over the next few years she felt herself grow discusted by people due to how many of them reassembled her father in some way. Due to her new discust of humans she decided to do to them what she did to her dad. Though she was discusted by them she was still a child, so she found someone to take care of her, though when they found out she had to kill them and go back to her now home the circus arena.

Time skip to March 3rd 2020~

    Makayla had started to get confused by modern humans, the way they were always on those devices, most of the time ignoring her. This made her upset due to achieving her goal getting farther and farther from her.

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